2018-03-21 睡前碎碎念

2018-03-21 睡前碎碎念

作者: 小妖Troy | 来源:发表于2018-03-22 00:36 被阅读16次

    01 GE Power W-SWOT

    However, the GE Power is losing control over its financial resources due to the unstable revenues and profits that it could earn every year. In the year 2017, the revenues of GE Power have further reduced because of the disposition of the Water business in September and price pressure, somewhat offset by the effects of a weaker U.S. dollar versus the euro and the Brazilian real . The falling in profit was partly driven by $0.9 billion of charges in the fourth quarter principally related to slow moving and outdated inventory in Power Services, Gas Power Systems, and Power Conversion, a lawsuit settlement and an economic failure of a distributor. Other than that, the negative variable cost productivity has caused profit further declined. For example, unfavorable business mix due to higher revenues from lower margin balance of plant volume and fewer higher margin aero-derivative units, and price pressure .
    Second, the GE Power is losing its company reputation and accountability over its stakeholders. GE Power’s profit had fallen 45 percent in the year 2017, forcing GE to cut its dividend for the second time since the Great Depression . It has been a reliable revenue generator for a very long time, and this was a big news for the investors. As a recent article in CNN Money points out, "this giant company no longer generates enough money to pay for investments in the business and dividends for shareholders. The crunch has been years in the making, but only recently has Wall Street come to grips with how bad it is .” Moreover, the replacement of the Former CEO Jeff Immelt during August 2017 has affected all segments of the GE, including GE Power. The new CEO, John L. Flannery, has restructured the organization structure, all segments will need to spend extra time and cost to adapting the new structure.

    02 日计划推进

    反馈时间:2018.3.21 晚22:00

    1. 注意力有点不集中,早上的时间安排的不够好,下午满课,晚上的时间就显得相对匆忙。
    2. 相对来说,周三的效率也比较低

    截至当下,你对今日”日计划执行“的满意度打几分(10 分是特别满意, 分是特别不满意)

    1. 今天还有2个任务没有完成,还是有点过意不去的,因为其中一个任务还影响到了别人任务的进程

    03 推荐书籍《财政学》


    04 日常



    05 就一句话




          本文标题:2018-03-21 睡前碎碎念
