"Chirrup!" A little cockroach jumped happily onto WALL·E's shoulder. As the heavily polluted winds began to pick up speed, WALL·E and his only friend started out on a rather rough ride toward home. WALL·E's treads were wearing thin, and the cockroach held on bravely as the rocky ground.

WALL·E drove over miles and miles of land, silent and empty of life. He saw old buildings; he passed by worn-down highways; he wheeled across the remains of broken bridges. everything was marked with the same company's name: BUY-N-LARGE, BnL for short. BnL has its stamp on everything! Famous for its huge superstores, the company had once been in charge of running the entire planet.

As WALL·E hurried ahead, he ran over an old newspaper. "TOO MUCH RUBBISH COVERED! BNL CEO DECLARES GLOBAL EMERGENCY!" read the writing on the newspaper. WALL·E did not notice.

He passed an area full of other ruste WALL·E units, shut down long ago. The cockroach watched excitedly as WALL·E stopped to examine something of interest on one of the old units -- its treads.

The treads were thick belts of rubber, built to protect the WALL·E units' metal wheels. This old unit's treads were in much better shape than WALL·E's.

WALL·E quickly changed his old pair with the new ones. Then, moving on, WALL·E felt the cockroach sitting down happily on his shoulder,enjoying the new, smoother ride.

WALL·E rode past a BnL sign-board, activating its electronic picture message as he moved. The image come to life. The lively voice of a human presenter, recorded centuries ago, began speaking through several loud speakers.

"Too much rubbish in your face?
There's plenty of space out in space!
BnL star liners leaving each day.
We'll clean up the mess while you're away!"

WALL·E headed across an uneven highway over-pass, activating another ancient sign-board. Through the smoke and dust in the air, the image of a shining BnL star liner come into view on the screen. Its happy passengers appeared to be enjoying all the comforts and benefits of a luxury cruise ship.

"The best of the BnL fleet: The Axiom!" stated the presenter in a deep, loud voice. "Spend your five-year cruise in style. ..." But the people had been gone from Earth far longer than five year.

"The Axiom!" the voice cried out with pride. "Putting the 'Star' in 'Executive Star Liner.' "

The wind was starting to blow harder now. WALL·E narrowed his robotic eyes and turned on a set of tiny windshield wipers to clean his glass eyes. Looking across a bay that had dried up long ago, he saw an old BnL truck that was clearly falling apart. WALL·E spirits rose.

cockroach n.[昆]蟑螂;
pick up speed 加快速度
wear thin 逐渐消失
in charge of 主管,负责; 照料
uneven adj.凹凸不平的; 参差不齐的; 不势均力敌的; [数]奇数的
windshield n.挡风玻璃