1. Team Goal Setting
2. Team Rewards
3. Social Loafing
A team member may assume that individual slacking will not be noticed within the larger social context of a team, of others will pick up their slack.
Social loafing occurs when team outcomes are emphasized and individuals see less connection between their contribution (time, effort, skills) and the rewards the receive.
4. Three types of Social Loafing:
Free riding: a desire to benefit from others’ work. Most likely when contributions are not identified.
The “sucker” effect: when members assume that others are free riding, they don’t want to be the “sucker” and match their effort to what they expect from others.
Felt dispensability: feeling like efforts are just duplications of others. Especially likely when there are too many team members for a task.
5. How to reduce loafing and enhance facilitation?
Set clear, difficult goals
Define roles within the group
Keep the group size small
Choose a task that is suited to the group
Align reward system with collective (team) performance but identifiable inputs (reduce diffusion of responsibility)