

作者: 蛮三刀酱 | 来源:发表于2021-02-15 23:19 被阅读0次








    1. 当你工作在一个开发人员众多且拥有不同开发水平的小组中,使用强类型语言显然更为合适。
    1. 站会(敏捷开发中的站立会议)对于跟进团队中新手的进度来说,非常有用。
    1. 敏捷开发中的迭代复盘会,是有其意义的,前提是为了纠正过往迭代的失误(比如发现一些“这样做真蠢!”的故事),而不是在一些‘敏捷大师’的教条下,浪费大家的时间。
    1. 软件架构比任何东西都要重要。一个好的抽象,就算是实现的比较拉胯,对于代码来说伤害非常小。但是如果没有好的抽象,就算实现的再漂亮,那也是在堆屎,对代码伤害极大。
    1. Java并不是那么烂(译者注:看来大佬对Java怨念颇深)。
    1. 炫技的代码通常并不是好代码,一个清晰明了的代码比任何代码都好。
    1. 你永远想象不到垃圾代码能写的多么奇葩。
    1. 所谓的“最佳实践(Best Practise)”通常是有特定背景的,不具有广泛的适用性。盲目地追随他们会使你成为一个蠢货。
    1. 在不需要的时候强行去设计高度可伸缩的系统,会让你成为一个糟糕的工程师。
    1. 代码静态分析是很有用的。
    1. DRY(Don't repeat yourself)不要造轮子:通常是用于避免一个特定的问题,而不是作为一个终极目的,所以不要盲目追求没有重复。
    1. 通常情况下,RDBMS(关系数据库)优于 NoSql (特指非关系数据库)。
    1. 函数式编程仅仅是另一种编程手法,而不是灵丹妙药。


    1. 第一,YAGNI(非必要时不加入新代码), 其次, SOLID(面向对象设计), 第三, DRY(不要重复造轮子),按照这个优先级去写代码。
    1. 铅笔和纸是最好的编程工具,而且经常会用到。
    1. 用纯粹性换取实用性通常是个不错的选择。
    1. 往项目中增加更多的技术框架,通常不是个好选择。
    1. 直接与客户交谈总是能在更短的时间内,通过更高的准确性来暴露更多的软件问题。
    1. “可伸缩性”这个词在软件工程师的头脑中有一种神秘而令人震惊的力量。仅仅这一句话就能把他们搞的心力憔悴。
    1. 尽管被称外人称为“工程师”,但大多数开发人员的决定都是根据个人喜好或者“看心情”,没有数据的支持。
    1. 有90%,甚至93%的项目经理明天可能就会消失,并且并不会造成影响,甚至会提升效率。(译者注:这个原文意思不知道我理解的对不对)
    1. 在完成了100多次面试之后,我依然不知道如何让面试变得更好,。(译者注:面试很难真正看清一个人的开发水平)


    1. 过分强调代码风格、规则或其他细节的人是极端分子,毫无意义。
    1. 代码覆盖率对于提升代码质量没有丝毫帮助。
    1. 在大多数情况下,大应用(Monoliths)的效果是很好的,并不一定要细分成非常复杂的微服务。
    1. 无脑信奉TDD(测试驱动开发)的人是最糟糕的,他们脆弱的小脑袋无法处理不同工作流程的存在。
    1. 在10年后,让我们再看看,这些观点是否会发生变化。


    Software development topics I've changed my mind on after 6 years in the industry.

    Things I now believe, which past me would've squabbled with:

    • Typed languages are better when you're working on a team of people with various experience levels
    • Standups are actually useful for keeping an eye on the newbies.
    • Sprint retrospectives have their place so long as they're for actual course correction (i.e. "holy shit, that went poorly!") and not some god awful 'agile' / 'scum master' driven waste of everyone's time
    • Software architecture probably matters more than anything else. A shitty implementation of a good abstraction causes no net harm to the code base. A bad abstraction or missing layer causes everything to rot.
    • Java isn't that terrible of a language.
    • Clever code isn't usually good code. Clarity trumps all other concerns.
    • Bad code can be written in any paradigm
    • So called "best practices" are contextual and not broadly applicable. Blindly following them makes you an idiot
    • Designing scalable systems when you don't need to makes you a bad engineer.
    • Static analysis is useful
      DRY is about avoiding a specific problem, not an end goal unto itself.
      In general, RDBMS > NoSql
      Functional programming is another tool, not a panacea.

    Opinions I've picked up along the way

    • YAGNI, SOLID, DRY. In that order.
    • Pencil and paper are the best programming tools and vastly under used
    • Trading purity in exchange for practicality is usually a good call
    • Adding more technology is rarely a good call
    • Talking directly to the customer always reveals more about the problem, in less time, and with higher accuracy
    • The word "scalable" has a mystical and stupefying power over the mind of the software engineer. Its mere utterance can whip them into a depraved frenzy. Grim actions have been justified using this word
    • Despite being called "engineers," most decision are pure cargo-cult with no backing analysis, data, or numbers
    • 90% – maybe 93% – of project managers, could probably disappear tomorrow to either no effect or a net gain in efficiency.
    • After performing over 100 interviews: interviewing is thoroughly broken. I also have no idea how to actually make it better.

    Old opinions unchanged:

    • People who stress over code style, linting rules, or other minutia are insane weirdos
    • Code coverage has absolutely nothing to do with code quality
    • Monoliths are pretty good in most circumstances
    • TDD purists are just the worst. Their frail little minds can't process the existence of different workflows.

    We'll see which of these have flipped or changed at year 10.










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