

作者: 杉杉妈Alice | 来源:发表于2022-04-28 22:33 被阅读0次


Success is going from failure to

failure without losing enthusiasm.


    -Winston Churchill

  Today is Thursday

and this morning I sent her to the kindergarten.

I don't know why she was sad. Because I said I need sent you to the kindergarten, but she wanted her daddy sent her to the kindergarten.

Because if I sent her to the kindergarten, I won't let her to bring the cookies or the toys to the school.

Her daddy sent her to the kindergarten, maybe her daddy also buy something for her.

On the way in the morning we didn't chat.  I speaked something

she didn't answer me.

near the bus station

We took this picture because I remembered that yesterday night we didn't take the picture together.

So before she got up the stairs, I took it.

The hair is so long.  When she was 100 days, I cut her hair.

From that day, I didn't cut her hair.

Right now, the hair is so long.

So many people saw it and said, oh, it's a long time.

In the evening when I back home, I let her give me a hug.

And we change our secret today again.

Her secret is - He can draw a map.  That map, someone can find the diamond.

My secret is - This evening in the subway, I saw a middle school girl, she was doing her homework.

And I asked, lucky, do you think this girl is a good girl or bad girl?

I think she is a good girl.

Before we sleep, I just see itbeside the bed and they quarrel and fighting together.


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