坚持每天手抄一篇原文---Day 18

坚持每天手抄一篇原文---Day 18

作者: 柒弟 | 来源:发表于2017-09-13 10:58 被阅读0次

    I was hoping for(期待) herds of(一群) teachers to appear so they could see the real Shelly Stalls in action, but it was too late by the time anyone arrived on the scene(出现). I had Fluffy in a headlock and her arm twisted back in a hammerlock, and no amount of(怎么/再多...也不) her squawking(发出粗厉的叫声) or scratching(抓来抓去) was going to get me unlock her until a teacher arrived.

    In the end, Shelly went home early with a bad case of mussed-up(一团槽) hair, while I told my side of things to the principal(当事人,负责人). Mrs. Shultz is a sturdy(强壮的,精力充沛的) lady who probably secretly(偷偷地,背地里) appreciates(欣赏) the value of a swift(迅速的,立刻的) kick(效力,精力)  well placed, and although she told me that it would be better if I let other people work out their own dilemmas(左右为难), she definitely(明确地) understood about Shelly Stalls and her hair and told me she was glad I'd the self-control to do nothing more than restrain(制止) her.

    Shelly was back the next day with a head full of braids(辫子). And of course she got everybody whispering(窃窃私语) about me, but I just ignored them. The facts spoke for themselves. Bryce didn't go anywhere near her for the rest of the year.

    That's not to say that Bryce held my hand after that, but he did start being a little friendlier to me. Especially in the sixth grade, after Mr. Mertins sat us right next to each other in the third row back.

    Sitting next to Bryce was nice. He was nice. He'd say Hi,Juli to me every morning, and once in a while I'd catch him looking my way. He'd always blush(害羞) and go back to his own work, and I couldn't help but smile.He was so shy. And so cute(太阔爱了)!









          本文标题:坚持每天手抄一篇原文---Day 18
