

作者: 硬核Mother_Meg姐 | 来源:发表于2019-01-06 20:53 被阅读5次


Let's have a snack. 我们来吃点心吧。

Come and have a snack, Honey. 宝贝,来吃点心了。

What do you want for a snack? 你想吃什么点心?


Bread and milk, please. 请给我面包和牛奶。

What's my snack, Mom? 妈妈,我的点心是什么?


It's your favorite Waffles. 是你最喜欢的华夫饼。


Is there anything else? 没有其他的了吗?


What do you want to eat? 你想吃什么?

Share it with your brother. 跟你弟弟一起分享。

Leave some for your brother. 留一些给你弟弟。

Want more peanuts? Do you want more?  花生多来点?你要多来点吗?


No, I'm fine. I'm full. I've had enough. 不,不用了。我很饱。我吃很多了。


Want more milk or juice? 你要多来点牛奶或果汁吗?

Does it taste good? 好吃吗?


Yeah, it is delicious. 嗯,很好吃。

Mom, can I have some more? 妈妈,我可以再要些吗?


Try not to eat too much. 试着不要吃太多。

If you eat too much cookies, you can't have dinner. 如果吃太多饼干,你会吃不下晚餐。

If you eat too many sweets, your teeth will rot. 如果你吃太多甜食,你的牙齿会烂掉!

That's bad for you. 那对你不好。

Caramel is not a healthy snack/ Caramel is not good for your health. 焦糖对身体不是很好。


Can I have some ice cream? 我可以吃些冰淇淋吗?


Eating too much cold food will make you sick. 如果你吃太多冰的食物, 你会生病的。

If you eat too much fried food, you will gain weight. 如果你吃太多油炸的食物, 你会变胖。

Too much spicy food can hurt your stomach. 吃太多辣的食物,你的胃会受伤。

You'll get in trouble if you drink too much soda. 如果你喝太多碳酸饮料, 你的身体会出问题。

Hamburgers are a kind of junk food. 汉堡是垃圾食品。

The barbecued chicken sold on the street is not properly cooked. 路边卖的烤鸡没烤熟。

Stop eating so much pizza. 不要吃那么多比萨了。


Eating too much cold food will make you sick.

If you eat too much fried food, you will gain weight.

Too much spicy food can hurt your stomach.

You'll get in trouble if you drink too much soda.

The barbecued chicken sold on the street is not properly cooked.


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