Moms on the march母亲们在行动

Moms on the march母亲们在行动

作者: 水爷爷123 | 来源:发表于2019-05-28 10:37 被阅读0次


“Anger over children being killed and kids with guns has not faded. The moms have not



We have just witnessed one of the greatspontaneousevents of our democracy — a million moms across the country marching on Mother’s Day toplead forfederal gun control laws. The shadow across the march was the National Rifle Association (NRA)[ 1 ]. It has opposed virtually every gun controlinitiativein a period of gun outrages and still gained 500,000 members last year. Have the moms got any chance at all?


The NRA’ power depends on the relatively few close elections that often determine who controls Congress. In theseswing districts, political candidates have been made aware that they could lose more votes by antagonizing the one-issue, pro-gun minority than they could gain from the antigun majority simply because the votes of the majority are determined by a wider range of issues — and antigun anger has tended todissipateby Election Day.


But there is a difference now. Anger over children being killed and kids with guns has not faded. The moms have not forgottenColumbineor the 6-year-old who brought asemiautomaticto school. These women represent a newly arousedconstituencyand one that might tip the balance in key suburbs, especially in the Midwest and around the major cities. They favor gun control by almost 4 to 1. When theymobilize, they cannot be underestimated. Remember the Mothers Against Drunk Driving who took on thealcohol lobbyandtriumphedin their efforts to raise the drinking age and toughen drunk-day, these mothers are trying to get gun controls to protect their children.


No escape. The statistics bear out their concern[ 2 ]. Thousands of children die every year from guns, and thousands more are injured. Many of these tragedies occur while children are playing at friends’ homes. Gun change everything. People with guns kill people. Limit weapons to stones, or bats, or knives, and anyone attacked can fight back or run away[ 3 ]. But with guns, especiallyrapid-fireweapons, there is no escape, and they are still too easy to acquire.


The moms, and many others, want lawmakers to passlegislationthat will require gun owners to belicensed and registered. Why should there be any objection to that? We insist on licensing and registering cars. There should also be limits on the number of handguns that can bepurchased in a month, and anyone wanting a gun should undergo a background check.


None of this adds up to apanacea. Millions oflaw-abidingcitizens own and enjoy guns. They use them for hunting and even security. Guns hold a mythic place in American history: Many people believe their liberty and safety are bound up with the widest availability of guns[ 5 ]. Gun owners are not, as someknee-jerkliberals want toportraythem, rednecks who don’t seem to care thatgangsters and hate-mongers can get their hands on guns. Butlaw-abidinggun owners who don’tautomaticallyfollow the NRA line can surely agree that their rights are not affected, and the common good will benefit, if we can slow the flow of guns into a market that seems too often to serve criminals, disturbed youngsters, andhate merchants. According to theNational Opinion Research Center, a huge majority backs safety measures to ensure safe storage of guns and to hold ownersliablefor injury. A majority of those who own guns favor 10 of 17 general regulation policies; theyendorse14 of 15 safety measures; and they support all seven steps that could prevent criminals from getting guns. They know that guns protect but also kill — mothers and fathers, grandfathers and babies, and more teenagers than any natural cause. Indeed, if water pistols can be regulated by the federal government, so, too, can real pistols.


Americans want to try something new. Citizens have moved past the politicians and all theirfinger-pointing— that it is the other party’s fault, or your fault, or our fault, or nobody’s fault, but certainly not their fault.[ 6 ]Americans don’t care whether the shooter was insulted or ignored, came from adysfunctionalfamily, wanted too much TV and movies, played too many video games, or listened to violent music. They want an end to the tragedies caused by guns. They have seen too many weeping survivors, puzzled police, anddumbfoundedparents.


That is what the Million Mom March is all about. If the NRA previously had theintensityon its side, thatintensityhas now been equaled by thecommitmentof mothers seeking to protect their children. If guns are as American as apple pie so too is motherhood.[ 7 ]Politician will have to choose.



      本文标题:Moms on the march母亲们在行动
