

作者: wumrwds | 来源:发表于2018-12-02 23:15 被阅读0次

    Recommendation Letter Template

    Your Contact Information
    Your Name
    Your Title
    Company or School Name
    City, State Zip Code



    If you are writing a personal letter of reference, include a salutation (such as Dear Mr. Johnson, Dear Dr. Jameson, etc.).

    If you are writing a general letter, use "To Whom it May Concern" or don't include a salutation. If you don't include a salutation, start your letter with the first paragraph.

    First Paragraph

    The first paragraph of a recommendation letter explains your connection to the person you are recommending, including how you know them, and why you are qualified to recommend the person for employment or school.

    Example: “I met Susan when she was a Freshman in my Introductory Economics course at WVU. Throughout her studies in my department, I had the opportunity to work with her on several research projects where she acted as my assistant.”

    Second Paragraph

    The second paragraph of a recommendation letter contains information about the individual you are writing about, including why they are qualified for a position, what they can contribute, and why you are recommending them. If necessary, use more than one paragraph to provide details.

    ***Example: ***“Bill graduated with honors in Philosophy, always focused on how his future would progress. He knew he wanted to pursue a doctorate very early on, and has worked independently, in groups, and as a research assistant. I believe that Bill would be an asset to your department, as he brings a tremendous amount of energy and enthusiasm to his studies. He is a very bright and qualified individual, and a pleasure to work with.”

    Third Paragraph

    When writing a letter recommending a candidate for a specific job opening, the recommendation letter should include information on how the person's skills match the position they are applying for.

    Ask for a copy of the job posting and a copy of the person's resume so you can target your letter accordingly.

    ***Example: ***“I believe that Christine would be an excellent addition to your international sales team. When I worked with her at XYZ, I was impressed by her ability to communicate the effectiveness of our products to our clients and close a sale. During the two years I worked with her, she was personally responsible for adding several new clients in Asia and Africa.”


    This section of the recommendation letter contains a brief summary of why you are recommending the person. Use phrases like "strongly recommend," or "recommend without reservation," or "Candidate has my highest recommendation" to reinforce your endorsement.

    ***Example: ***“During my acquaintance with Joanne, she has been efficient, professional, organized, and a fantastic team leader. She has my highest recommendation for the position of office manager at DEF Inc.”


    The concluding paragraph of your recommendation letter contains an offer to provide more information. Include a phone number within the paragraph, and provide the phone number again and also your email address in the return address section of your letter or under your signature.

    ***Example: ***“Please feel free to contact me at 123-456-7890 if you need any additional information or clarification.”



    Recommender Name
    Email Address
    Phone Number


    是什么让这封信脱颖而出?当你读这封信时,请注意信函作者如何具体提到学生杰出的职业道德和学业成绩。他还讨论了她的领导能力,多任务能力和创造力。他甚至提供了她的成就记录的一个例子 - 她与班上其他人一起工作的一个新项目。这样的具体例子是推荐人加强信函要点的好方法。

    • The teacher knows the student well which adds credibility.

    • Details make clear the student's positive traits that predict strong performance in college.

    • Advanced placement is evidence of the student's academic strength.

    Example 1

    To Whom It May Concern:

    Cheri Jackson is an extraordinary young woman. As her AP English Professor, I have seen many examples of her talent and have long been impressed by her diligence and work ethic. I understand that Cheri is applying to the undergraduate business program at your school. I would like to recommend her for the program.

    Cheri has outstanding organizational skills. She is able to successfully complete multiple tasks with favorable results despite deadline pressure. As part of a semester project, she developed an innovative collaborative novel with her classmates. This book is now being considered for publication. Cheri not only headed the project, she ensured its success by demonstrating leadership abilities that her classmates both admired and respected.

    I must also make note of Cheri's exceptional academic performance. Out of a class of 150 students, Cheri graduated with honors in the top 10. Her above-average performance is a direct result of her hard work and strong focus.

    If your undergraduate business program is seeking superior candidates with a record of achievement, Cheri is an excellent choice. She has consistently demonstrated an ability to rise to any challenge that she must face.

    To conclude, I would like to restate my strong recommendation for Cheri Jackson. If you have any further questions regarding Cheri's ability or this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me using the information on this letterhead.



    Cheri Jackson是一位非凡的年轻女性。作为她的AP英语教授,我见过很多她的才能,并且长期以来一直对她的勤奋和职业道德印象深刻。我知道Cheri正在申请你所在学校的本科商业课程。我想推荐她参加该计划。

    Cheri拥有出色的组织能力。尽管有最后期限的压力,她仍能成功完成多项任务并取得良好成果。作为一个学期项目的一部分,她与同学们共同开发了一本创新的合作小说。这本书现在正在考虑出版。 Cheri不仅领导了这个项目,还通过展示她的同学们所钦佩和尊重的领导能力来确保其成功。



    最后,我想重申我对Cheri Jackson的强烈建议。如果您对Cheri的能力或此建议有任何疑问,请不要犹豫,使用此信笺抬头的信息与我联系。


    Example 2

    Dear [Name of Employer or Graduate School Committee]:

    I am pleased to write a letter of recommendation for [name of student]. I highly recommend [name of student] to your organization for the position of [job title].

    I have known [name of student] for the past [number of months, semesters, years]as [he/she] has taken the following courses that I teach: [list courses, give brief description of content of course]. As [his/her] professor, I have had an opportunity to observe [his/her] participation and interaction in class and to evaluate [name of student]’s knowledge of the subject matter. [He/she] is an outstanding student in all respects. [Name of student] has proven that through hard work, follow through, and team work, [he/she] can accomplish tasks in a courteous and timely manner.

    [Give one or two specific examples of the student's performance. Also, list other activities that the student is involved with at the university and outside of the university. Point out the areas in which this individual has learned and had the chance to grow with these opportunities.]

    [Name of student] is well equipped to grow from challenges that [he/she] is presented with. [His/her] [list three key traits (examples: patience, teaching ability, strong computer programming stills…)], prepare [him/her] beautifully for your [company/organization/school/program]. I strongly endorse making [name of student] a member of your team at [list company name/school/program].


    [Your Name

    Phone number

    Email Address]



    我已经知道[学生的名字]过去[月,学期,年]的数字,因为他/她已经学习了我教的以下课程:[列出课程,简要介绍课程内容]。作为[他/她]的教授,我有机会在课堂上观察[他/她]的参与和互动,并评估[学生姓名]对主题的了解。 [他/她]在所有方面都是杰出的学生。 [学生姓名]证明,通过努力工作,跟进和团队合作,[他/她]可以礼貌和及时地完成任务。


    [学生姓名]能够很好地应对[他/她]所面临的挑战。 [他/她] [列出三个关键特征(例如:耐心,教学能力,强大的计算机编程仍然......)],为你的[公司/组织/学校/计划]精心准备[他/她]。我强烈支持在[列出公司名称/学校/计划]中使[学生姓名]成为您团队的一员。





    Example 3

    3 samples

    M/G/O 3 types

    Example 4

    I am writing to recommend that _______________ be accepted into your study abroad program. I have had her in three of my history courses over the past two semesters, and have come to respect her as a young scholar and as a person.

    ________________ has a natural curiosity about the world we live in, as well our past. She is always eager to learn about other cultures and customs, and is respectful of various world views. Many times she has expressed to me an interest in traveling and seeing some of the sites that we've studied in class, and that she's researched on her own. When she told me about the study abroad program, her eagerness and excitement was practically contagious.

    ______________ scores in the top 10 percent of the class on written tests, but it is her essays where she truly shines. Her insightful take on world history, along with her openness to accept new perspectives, is inspiring.

    Such a confident, reflective, energetic young person would be a perfect addition to your program. I hope that she is accepted, but I will certainly miss her refreshing presence in class next term.





    I am writing to wholeheartedly endorse _______________ for the position of __________. He would make an outstanding _____________.

    I first met _____________ when he was hired at XYZ Company as a Widget Operator under my supervision. Three years later, when he left the company for another job, he had risen through the ranks to become a Widget Developer Level II. _____________ is a quick learner, energetic, and hardworking.

    ______________ is also very flexible and eager to take on new challenges. For example, during the busy summer season we needed an operator to step up and fill in in the Widget Development Department. ___________ volunteered and made an immediate and positive impression on everyone there.

    I'm convinced __________ will be as great an asset to your company as he has been to ours. Please feel free to contact me if you'd like any additional information.

    我写信是为了__________的立场,全心全意地赞同_______________。 他会做出杰出的_____________。

    我第一次见到_____________,当时我在XYZ公司被聘为Widget操作员,在我的监督下。 三年后,当他离开公司去做另一份工作时,他已经晋升到了Widget Developer Level II。 _____________是一个快速学习,精力充沛,努力工作的人。

    ______________也非常灵活,渴望迎接新的挑战。 例如,在繁忙的夏季,我们需要一名操作员加强并填写Widget开发部门。 ___________自愿并立即给所有人留下了积极的印象。

    我确信__________对你的公司来说和他们去过我们公司一样重要。 如果您需要任何其他信息,请随时与我联系。

    I know that teachers aren't supposed to play favorites, but there is no getting around the fact that ____________ is special. She's exceptional in so many ways that transcend academics; my hope is that in this letter I can give a small glimpse into her character not just as a student but as a human being.

    ____________ stood out as one of the most inquisitive students in my freshman English class. Her letter grade was average, but her essays and thought processes were superior. I remember thinking that with improved study skills, she could excel academically.

    Little did I know that ____________had little time to study and no positive role models at home. With her mother addicted to drugs and her father working nights, ____________ was tasked with the everyday care of her four younger siblings. She also held down a job working under the table as a maid, sometimes as late as 2 a.m. That she was able to stay awake in class is an achievement in itself.

    ____________ problems at home were unknown to school staff until the arrest of her father two years ago for strong-armed robbery. He was a repeat offender and justice was swift.

    In hindsight, I wish my colleagues and I had been more attentive to her personal situation. In the time since, I've met her foster parents and they are kind and caring. She and her siblings are seeing a psychologist. The school guidance counselor ____________ is helping her with the college application process, including securing waivers for testing fees and application charges. Most significantly, ____________ herself has gained the confidence needed to succeed as a first-generation college student and live independently, making healthy choices.

    ____________ has overcome myriad obstacles in her quest for an education. Being accepted to the college of her choice is the next step in that pursuit. Please give her application the utmost consideration.











