《Miss Daisy Is Crazy》
Chapter 1 I Hate School!
A.J.:My name is A.J.. I like football and video games. I hate school.
All the kids laughed when I said I hated school. But there was nothing funny about it.
Miss Daisy: You know what, A.J.? I hate school, too.
A.J.: You do?
We all stared at Miss Daisy. I thought teachers loved school. If they don’t love school, why did they become teachers?
Miss Daisy: Sure I hate school. If I didn’t have to be here teaching you, I could be home sitting on my comfortable couch, watching TV and eating bonbons.
All students: wow!
Ryan: What’s a bonbon?
Miss Daisy: Bonbons are these are wonderful chocolate treats. They ‘re about the size of a large acorn, and you can pop the whole thing right in your mouth so you don’t need a napkin. I could eat a whole box of bonbons in one sitting.
Andrea: They sound delicious!
**A.J. 终于打破上学恐惧,因为他认为: Miss Daisy seemed like a pretty cool lady, for a teacher.
Anybody who hated school and liked to sit around watching TV and eating chocolate treats was okay by me.
Me and Miss Daisy had a lot in common. Maybe going to school wouldn’t be so terrible after all.
**A.J. 与Miss Daisy通过对话就已让读者印象深刻!
但是,Ryan 与Andrea 台词很少,那么作者增加一些描述,让你了解这两个人物,请看:
Ryan---a kid with black sneakers who was sitting next to me.
Andrea Young---a girl with curly brown hair. She was sitting up real straight in the front of the class with her hands folded like they were attached to each other.
**阅读技巧: 遇到生词不查字典,接着往下读,比如bonbons,小说里大家都不懂就有人提问,那么下文就有答案:Bonbons就是一种橡子大小的巧克力糖。
【我的初衷 】
诚邀您一起读大名鼎鼎的校园主题故事《My Weird School》《疯狂学校》!
这套书是很多老师忍不住要去阅读的书籍,无论是校长还是班主任、无论是学科老师还是医务人员, 都能在这里找到值得借鉴的工作方法与理念!
