本文通过演示Kitex 支持的PingPong、Oneway两种消息类型进行echo,对kitex的代码生成功能进行介绍
- 创建项目文件 test
mkdir test
cd test
- 初始化go module
go mod init test
- 编写idl文件
touch echo.thrift
namespace go echo
struct Request {
1: string Msg
struct Response {
1: string Msg
service EchoService {
Response Echo(1: Request req); // pingpong method
oneway void VisitOneway(1: Request req); // oneway method
- 安装Kitex
go install github.com/cloudwego/kitex/tool/cmd/kitex@latest
- 生成骨架
kitex -module test -service echoservice echo.thrift
-module test
是项目的go module名字, -service echoservice
是生成的微服务名字,同时也是最后生成的可执行文件的名字 echo.thrift
├── build.sh
├── echo.thrift
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── handler.go
├── kitex_gen
│ └── echo
│ ├── echo.go
│ ├── echoservice
│ │ ├── client.go
│ │ ├── echoservice.go
│ │ ├── invoker.go
│ │ └── server.go
│ ├── k-consts.go
│ └── k-echo.go
├── kitex_info.yaml
├── main.go
└── script
└── bootstrap.sh
- 编写服务逻辑
package main
import (
echo "test/kitex_gen/echo"
// EchoServiceImpl implements the last service interface defined in the IDL.
type EchoServiceImpl struct{}
// Echo implements the EchoServiceImpl interface.
func (s *EchoServiceImpl) Echo(ctx context.Context, req *echo.Request) (resp *echo.Response, err error) {
return &echo.Response{Msg: "world"}, nil
// VisitOneway implements the EchoServiceImpl interface.
// Oneway methods are not guaranteed to receive 100% of the requests sent by the client.
// And the client may not perceive the loss of requests due to network packet loss.
// If possible, do not use oneway methods.
func (s *EchoServiceImpl) VisitOneway(ctx context.Context, req *echo.Request) (err error) {
return nil
- 编译运行服务器
sh build.sh
执行上述命令后,会生成一个 output 目录,里面含有我们的编译产物。
sh output/bootstrap.sh
执行上述命令后,Echo 服务开始运行
- 创建oneway和pingpong两种消息类型的client
mkdir client
cd client
mkdir oneway
mkdir pingpong
// oneway
package main
import (
func main() {
cli, err := echoservice.NewClient("destServiceName", client.WithHostPorts(""))
if err != nil {
req := echo.NewRequest()
req.Msg = "hello"
err = cli.VisitOneway(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
// no response return
// pingpong
package main
import (
func main() {
cli, err := echoservice.NewClient("destServiceName", client.WithHostPorts(""))
if err != nil {
req := echo.NewRequest()
req.Msg = "hello"
resp, err := cli.Echo(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
执行go run client.go