今天是大师游戏第153天星期一,继续读《Dark NLP》
A person’s choice of language is a powerful indication of what drives them and the way they see the world. For example, people will often their agreement by saying either “I see what you mean,” ”I know what you mean,” “I hear you,” or “‘that feels right.” Their choice of language in this area shows whether their primary way of perceiving the world is through their sight, their ears their touch or their logic.
- 我明白了
- 我听懂了
- 我感觉是这样的
When you know their primary system of perception you can explain things you want them to agree with in language drawing upon their primary system, and explain ideas you wish them to disagree with in language that goes against their system.
People will also disclose words that have a special level of meaning or significance for them. For example, you might notice that a person always uses the word ‘brilliant’ to explain someone they deeply admire.
A person’s choice of words also often changes with their internal state and over time you will learn to read which words indicate which internal state. This is useful as you can modify your own behavior and choice of words to ensure it is compatible with their internal view of the world. This creates a sense of rapport between the two of you