作者: 嗨刘留宝贝 | 来源:发表于2017-09-01 11:17 被阅读0次

    One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index  finger and

    bend  it  up  and down.)Tap  tap  tap!  (Tap  your  finger  against  your  other INDEX

    FINGER 3 times.)Point  your finger up!  (Point up!)Point your finger  down! (Point

    down!)Put it  on your head.  Head! (Put your  finger on  your head and  say in a  loud

    voice, “Head!”)

    One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index  finger and

    bend it  up and down.)Tap  tap tap! (Tap  your finger  against your HEAD  3 times.)

    Point your  finger  up! (Point  up!)Point your  finger down!  (Point down!)Put  it on

    your nose. Nose! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Nose!”)

    One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index  finger and

    bend it  up and  down.)Tap tap tap!  (Tap your  finger against your  NOSE 3  times.)

    Point your  finger  up! (Point  up!)Point your  finger down!  (Point down!)Put  it on

    your chin. Chin! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Chin!”)

    One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index  finger and

    bend it  up and  down.)Tap tap  tap! (Tap  your finger against  your CHIN  3 times.)

    Point your  finger  up! (Point  up!)Point your  finger down!  (Point down!)Put  it on

    your arm. Arm! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Arm!”)

    One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index  finger and

    bend it  up and  down.)Tap tap  tap! (Tap  your finger  against your  ARM 3  times.)

    Point your  finger  up! (Point  up!)Point your  finger down!  (Point down!)Put  it on

    your leg. Leg! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Leg!”)

    One little finger, one little finger, one little finger (Hold up your index  finger and

    bend  it up  and down.)Tap  tap tap!  (Tap  your finger  against  your LEG  3 times.)

    Point your  finger  up! (Point  up!)Point your  finger down!  (Point down!)Put  it on

    your foot. Foot! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud voice, “Foot!”)

    Put it  on your leg.  Leg! (Put your  finger on your head  and say in  a loud voice,


    Put it on your  arm. Arm! (Put your finger  on your head and say in  a loud voice,


    Put it on your chin.  Chin! (Put your finger on your head and say  in a loud voice,


    Put it on your nose. Nose! (Put your finger on  your head and say in a loud voice,


    Put it on your head. Head! (Put your finger on your head and say in a loud  voice,


    Now let’s wave good-bye. Good-bye! (Wave good-bye with your index finger.)



