2021-03-19 Have Fun

2021-03-19 Have Fun

作者: 春生阁 | 来源:发表于2021-03-19 17:24 被阅读0次

    Before you start working on a new goal, first answer the following question: How can I break this goal down into small pieces?

    Sometimes, huge ambitions can feel scary because they seem out of reach.
    Aiming to become a millionaire if you currently have $0 on your bank account might not be particularly motivating.

    But what if you’d figure out how to earn your first dollar with a side hustle?

    What if you’d aim to find one paying customer who loves your product or service?

    Similarly, running a marathon might sound scary if you can barely run a mile.

    But if you break it down into an actionable and realistic workout plan, the whole journey might suddenly look easier. And if you additionally reward yourself for the small goals, such as running your first 5 miles, or a half-marathon, you can even enjoy the journey instead of pushing yourself through it.



          本文标题:2021-03-19 Have Fun
