HMSegmentedControl 一个好用的标题控制器

HMSegmentedControl 一个好用的标题控制器

作者: 李某lkb | 来源:发表于2019-02-19 11:34 被阅读0次



//  HMSegmentedControl.h
//  HMSegmentedControl
//  Created by Hesham Abd-Elmegid on 23/12/12.
//  Copyright (c) 2012-2015 Hesham Abd-Elmegid. All rights reserved.

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@class HMSegmentedControl;  //提前引用自己,避免循环引用  

typedef void (^IndexChangeBlock)(NSInteger index); //一个选中block
typedef NSAttributedString *(^HMTitleFormatterBlock)(HMSegmentedControl *segmentedControl, NSString *title, NSUInteger index, BOOL selected);//富文本block
//枚举  选中的类型
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, HMSegmentedControlSelectionStyle) {
   //选中宽度仅仅和文本宽度大小一样  默认是下横线
    HMSegmentedControlSelectionStyleTextWidthStripe, // Indicator width will only be as big as the text width   
  //选中宽度和文本宽度+间距一样大   默认是下横线
    HMSegmentedControlSelectionStyleFullWidthStripe, // Indicator width will fill the whole segment
    HMSegmentedControlSelectionStyleBox, // A rectangle that covers the whole segment
//选中类型是三角形  仅在 HMSegmentedControlSelectionIndicatorLocation有效
    HMSegmentedControlSelectionStyleArrow // An arrow in the middle of the segment pointing up or down depending on `HMSegmentedControlSelectionIndicatorLocation`
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, HMSegmentedControlSelectionIndicatorLocation) {
    HMSegmentedControlSelectionIndicatorLocationNone // No selection indicator  
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, HMSegmentedControlSegmentWidthStyle) {
    HMSegmentedControlSegmentWidthStyleFixed, // Segment width is fixed 
    HMSegmentedControlSegmentWidthStyleDynamic, // Segment width will only be as big as the text width (including inset)
typedef NS_OPTIONS(NSInteger, HMSegmentedControlBorderType) {
    HMSegmentedControlBorderTypeNone = 0,//没有
    HMSegmentedControlBorderTypeTop = (1 << 0),//上面
    HMSegmentedControlBorderTypeLeft = (1 << 1),//左边
    HMSegmentedControlBorderTypeBottom = (1 << 2),//下边
    HMSegmentedControlBorderTypeRight = (1 << 3)//右边

enum {
    HMSegmentedControlNoSegment = -1   // Segment index for no selected segment

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, HMSegmentedControlType) {
    HMSegmentedControlTypeTextImages //文本和图片
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, HMSegmentedControlImagePosition) {

@interface HMSegmentedControl : UIControl

@property (nonatomic, strong) CALayer *selectionIndicatorStripLayer;//长条layer

@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<NSString *> *sectionTitles;//标题
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<UIImage *> *sectionImages;//图片
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray<UIImage *> *sectionSelectedImages;// 选中图片

 Provide a block to be executed when selected index is changed.
 Alternativly, you could use `addTarget:action:forControlEvents:`
@property (nonatomic, copy) IndexChangeBlock indexChangeBlock;

 Used to apply custom text styling to titles when set.
 When this block is set, no additional styling is applied to the `NSAttributedString` object returned from this block.
@property (nonatomic, copy) HMTitleFormatterBlock titleFormatter;

 Text attributes to apply to item title text.
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *titleTextAttributes UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

 Text attributes to apply to selected item title text.
 Attributes not set in this dictionary are inherited from `titleTextAttributes`.
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSDictionary *selectedTitleTextAttributes UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

 Segmented control background color.

 Default is `[UIColor whiteColor]`
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *backgroundColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

 Color for the selection indicator stripe
 Default is `R:52, G:181, B:229`
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *selectionIndicatorColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

 Color for the selection indicator box
 Default is selectionIndicatorColor
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *selectionIndicatorBoxColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

 Color for the vertical divider between segments.
 Default is `[UIColor blackColor]`
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *verticalDividerColor UI_APPEARANCE_SELECTOR;

 Opacity for the seletion indicator box.
 Default is `0.2f`
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat selectionIndicatorBoxOpacity;

 Width the vertical divider between segments that is added when `verticalDividerEnabled` is set to YES.
 Default is `1.0f`
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat verticalDividerWidth;

 Specifies the style of the control
 Default is `HMSegmentedControlTypeText`
@property (nonatomic, assign) HMSegmentedControlType type;

 Specifies the style of the selection indicator.
 Default is `HMSegmentedControlSelectionStyleTextWidthStripe`
@property (nonatomic, assign) HMSegmentedControlSelectionStyle selectionStyle;

 Specifies the style of the segment's width.
 Default is `HMSegmentedControlSegmentWidthStyleFixed`
@property (nonatomic, assign) HMSegmentedControlSegmentWidthStyle segmentWidthStyle;

 Specifies the location of the selection indicator.
 Default is `HMSegmentedControlSelectionIndicatorLocationUp`
@property (nonatomic, assign) HMSegmentedControlSelectionIndicatorLocation selectionIndicatorLocation;

 Specifies the border type.
 Default is `HMSegmentedControlBorderTypeNone`
@property (nonatomic, assign) HMSegmentedControlBorderType borderType;

 Specifies the image position relative to the text. Only applicable for HMSegmentedControlTypeTextImages
 Default is `HMSegmentedControlImagePositionBehindText`
@property (nonatomic) HMSegmentedControlImagePosition imagePosition;

 Specifies the distance between the text and the image. Only applicable for HMSegmentedControlTypeTextImages
 Default is `0,0`
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat textImageSpacing;

 Specifies the border color.
 Default is `[UIColor blackColor]`
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *borderColor;

 Specifies the border width.
 Default is `1.0f`
@property (nonatomic, assign) CGFloat borderWidth;

 Default is YES. Set to NO to deny scrolling by dragging the scrollView by the user.
@property(nonatomic, getter = isUserDraggable) BOOL userDraggable;

 Default is YES. Set to NO to deny any touch events by the user.
@property(nonatomic, getter = isTouchEnabled) BOOL touchEnabled;

 Default is NO. Set to YES to show a vertical divider between the segments.
@property(nonatomic, getter = isVerticalDividerEnabled) BOOL verticalDividerEnabled;

@property (nonatomic, getter=shouldStretchSegmentsToScreenSize) BOOL stretchSegmentsToScreenSize;

 Index of the currently selected segment.
@property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger selectedSegmentIndex;

 Height of the selection indicator. Only effective when `HMSegmentedControlSelectionStyle` is either `HMSegmentedControlSelectionStyleTextWidthStripe` or `HMSegmentedControlSelectionStyleFullWidthStripe`.
 Default is 5.0
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) CGFloat selectionIndicatorHeight;

 Edge insets for the selection indicator.
 NOTE: This does not affect the bounding box of HMSegmentedControlSelectionStyleBox
 When HMSegmentedControlSelectionIndicatorLocationUp is selected, bottom edge insets are not used
 When HMSegmentedControlSelectionIndicatorLocationDown is selected, top edge insets are not used
 Defaults are top: 0.0f
             left: 0.0f
           bottom: 0.0f
            right: 0.0f
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) UIEdgeInsets selectionIndicatorEdgeInsets;

 Inset left and right edges of segments.
 Default is UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 5, 0, 5)
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) UIEdgeInsets segmentEdgeInset;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) UIEdgeInsets enlargeEdgeInset;

 Default is YES. Set to NO to disable animation during user selection.
@property (nonatomic) BOOL shouldAnimateUserSelection;
- (id)initWithSectionTitles:(NSArray<NSString *> *)sectiontitles;
- (id)initWithSectionImages:(NSArray<UIImage *> *)sectionImages sectionSelectedImages:(NSArray<UIImage *> *)sectionSelectedImages;
- (instancetype)initWithSectionImages:(NSArray<UIImage *> *)sectionImages sectionSelectedImages:(NSArray<UIImage *> *)sectionSelectedImages titlesForSections:(NSArray<NSString *> *)sectiontitles;
- (void)setSelectedSegmentIndex:(NSUInteger)index animated:(BOOL)animated;
- (void)setIndexChangeBlock:(IndexChangeBlock)indexChangeBlock;
- (void)setTitleFormatter:(HMTitleFormatterBlock)titleFormatter;





      本文标题:HMSegmentedControl 一个好用的标题控制器
