Day Ten 慢跑第10天2021年8月23日被雨淋了|Ho

Day Ten 慢跑第10天2021年8月23日被雨淋了|Ho

作者: 来而不可失者时也 | 来源:发表于2021-08-24 21:02 被阅读0次



How to avoid the corona virus, wash your hands.

As a New York Times correspondent in China I covered the SARS outbreak in 2002 and 2003 during which a novel  Corona virusvirus was first detected in Guangdong. My two children attended is like elementary school in Beijing throughout the outbreak.

The international school of bei Jing where my children were students was one of the few in the capital that stayed open throughout the SARS outbreak.

The school instituted a bunch of symbol, precautionary policies, a stern note to parents, reminding them not to send children to school who was sick and warning them that students would be screened for favors with  Ear thermometers耳温计 at the school door. There was no sharing of food at lunch. The teacher like the kids in frequent hand washing the day at class room thinks while singing a prolonged hand washing song to ensure they did more than a  Cursory粗略的 pass under the faucet龙头水龙头 with water only.

With those precautions in place, I observed something of a public health miracle miracle not only did no child gets us, but it seemed no student was sick with anything at all four months on end.

The World Health Organization declared the SARS outbreak contained in July 2003, but oh, those habits praises persisted. The best first line defenses against us all the new corona varies, almost any virus at all are the ones that grandma and common things taught us after all.


  • Day Ten 慢跑第10天2021年8月23日被雨淋了|Ho


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      本文标题:Day Ten 慢跑第10天2021年8月23日被雨淋了|Ho
