词为我用 - equable

词为我用 - equable

作者: b5438e0615f9 | 来源:发表于2021-07-16 20:14 被阅读0次


    equable  TEM8  GRE

    UK  /ˈek.wə.bəl/ US  /ˈek.wə.bəl/

    1. adj, If you describe someone as equable, you mean that they are calm, cheerful, and fair with other people, even in difficult circumstances. 心平气和的,性情温和的,平和的

    2. adj, An equable climate stays at an even temperature and has no sudden changes. (天气)温和的



    1. It’s here, in the narration, that the novel finds itself — in the equable plainness of its language, a plainness that is nevertheless impressionistic and light-filled.(New York Times)

    2. “Sunshiny skies, clear invigorating air and equable temperatures mark a majority of the days,” the grandiloquent description said.(Washington Post)

    3. Alkhanshali is equable in the face of every challenge — he passes his Q test — and his dream is about to become reality.(Washington Post)

    4. "What happens is, I'm pretty equable and pretty much the same most of the time," he says with a shrug.(The Guardian)

    5. He is eccentric in his pursuits but is equable in person, careful in his speech and a fan of civilized but endless argument.(New York Times)

    6. Meanwhile, China's president, whose nickname, "Cool Limpidity," reflects his equable temperament, faces a challenge from hard-liners in the Politburo Standing Committee while he and America's national security adviser struggle to prevent a war.(Seattle Times)

    7. Richard Vine Adoption is tricky enough when the children involved are basically equable and well-adjusted.(The Guardian)

    8. But when the Falcons led by 17 on Sunday, it was the normally equable Packers who looked as if they were beginning to fret.(New York Times)

    9. His closest friends forever talk of his equable temperament.(The Guardian)

    10. Martyn Williams, a forward known for his equable temperament, was at the centre of several disputes and his captain, Paul Tito, was an arm's length away.(The Guardian)

    11. Johnson was no less equable in the aftermath of a final-round meltdown at Pebble Beach in June, which cost him victory at the US Open.(The Guardian)

    12. These deeply personal moments will leave the usually calm and equable Barry trembling.(The Guardian)


    equable people, temperament, temperature


    equability, equably


    1670s, back-formation from equability or else from Latin aequabilis "equal, consistent, uniform, not varying" from aequare "make uniform".


    balmy, clement, genial, gentle, mild, moderate, soft, temperate


    harsh, inclement, intemperate, severe



          本文标题:词为我用 - equable
