Privacy-Preserving Classification Scheme Based ON SVM
1.1 SVM is play a crucial part in ML
- data mining
- pattern recognition
1.2 privacy protection of senstive data in SVMS is become more and more important
- face recognition
- biometric information
1.3 problems in current research
- computational effciency is low
- the scakability of the schemes is poor
- the user must stay online in some solutions
1.4 new methods
this article designs a secure and efficient classification scheme based on SVM to protect the privacy of private data and support vectors in the calculation and transmission process.
the distributed two trapdoors public-key cryptosystem proposed by Liu is used to realize the distributed double-key decryption function
- weaken the decryption capability of a cloud server with the master key, prevent the server from launching active attacks
design a universal secure computing protocol for non linear SVMS based on the Gaussian kernel function
- also can be extend to polynomial kernel functions
1.5 new methods advantages
- reduces the amount of encrypted data
- simplifies the calculation process
- improves calculation efficiency
- an introduced cloud server realizes user offline function.
- verify its efficiency through experiments
- show that the scheme has the advantages of high efficiency
- good scalability
- user offline function.
2.1 big data and machine learning is becoming more and more popular
- It has significant applications in
- electronic commerce
- financial services
- transportation?
- medical and health services
2.2 massive data will inevitably cause privacy-preserving problems
- in process of
- storage
- interaction
- application
machine learning service providers have access tothe users’ information in the training and prediction phase and can easily obtain private data, resulting in privacy leakage.
2.3 SVM is play a crucial part in ML
where SVM from?
- first used in recognition of handwritten digital
library by Bell Laboratories [1]
- first used in recognition of handwritten digital
many applications
- computer vision [2]
- medical diagnosis [3]
- information filtering [4]
SVM plays an important role by
- virtue of its ability to solve high-dimensional data
- nonlinear feature problems
- combine classification interval maximization with kernel method based on statistical learning theory
- SVM solves the “overlearning” problem in a small sample space
- remedies the defect of the local extremum.
2.4 problems in current research
- MPC has a large amount of data interaction
- which cannot meet the practical requirements in terms of efficiency in SVM
- MPC has a large amount of data interaction
fully HE
- the schemes based on fully HE have low efficiency
- remain in the stage of theoretical experiments in SVM
partial HE
- partial HE are the mainstreams to satisfy the practical requirements.
- the low effciency of ciphertext calculation
- In order to realize complex ciphertext calculation
- transform the relevant formulas of SVM
- not only increases the amount of ciphertext calculation?
- but also increases the amount of data interaction between users and servers?
- transform the relevant formulas of SVM
- In order to realize complex ciphertext calculation
- poor scalability
- SVM can be divided into linear SVM and nonlinear SVM
- there are many kernel functions available for nonlinear SVM
- Most of the existing partial HE schemes are designed for a certain type of SVM. - When the type of SVM changes, the schemes need to be redesigned.
- SVM can be divided into linear SVM and nonlinear SVM
- long user online time
- Since some schemes require the
users and the servers to carry out cooperative computing4 - so that the users must stay online.
- the low effciency of ciphertext calculation
- partial HE are the mainstreams to satisfy the practical requirements.