1, P22-23 homework
3, P38, Root position
4, Juanita
5, Dance
1, P22-23 homework 2,P35 3, P38, Root position 4, Juanita...
1, 1) Final sonatina, 2) In a minor mode (keyboard paint...
1, FB P21 minor chord 2, KP p6 rhythm 3, WS P42 4, FB P5 ...
1, Due theory 3, quiz P21, CDEFGS quiz 7 German folk song...
1, Syllabas P43 2,FB P38 3,FB,P58,P60 Homework 4,Keyboard...
Piano piano is a mobile piano designed for iPhone users. ...
Colorful Piano: Create Music allows you to play a piano k...
How China made the piano its own The piano used to be a r...
真是失败呢 自打考完级以后就再没有完完整整的弹下来过一首曲子 说什么对古典乐的热爱呢 都是假的 想来我从小练琴也是...
I bought Hanbao a piano today So Hanbao can play the pian...
本文标题:Piano Class-41B-Lesson 4