snoopy史努比S01E02 附一小部分狗狗品种中英对照

snoopy史努比S01E02 附一小部分狗狗品种中英对照

作者: 七爷赛高 | 来源:发表于2020-03-10 12:08 被阅读0次


    i'm not use to physical labor 我不习惯干体力活

    i'm exhausted 我累坏了

    I lead a very active live 我过得很充实

    there goes the world-famous hired hand going to work 世界闻名的雇佣工要上场了

    I'm only a year old and already i'm living in the past 我才一岁就已经开始缅怀过去了

    riding on the back of your mother's bicycle 坐在你妈自行车后座上 I was riding on the back of a friend's bicycle 

    every morning mom pedal her bike this same way, and it's amazing how she always never misses it 

    i've figured out a way 我想出了一个办法

    that's the trouble with that stupid dog, he is always changing rainbow这就是那只蠢狗的麻烦之处,他总是像彩虹般善变

    you are putting us on 你在耍我们

    all right you guys, cut it out 好了你们,别多嘴了


    shepherd 牧羊犬  Beagle小猎犬(Snoopy) 

    snowbow  poodle贵宾犬 bulldog斗牛犬 alaska malamute阿拉斯加雪橇犬  bully恶霸犬  pitbull 比特犬 



          本文标题:snoopy史努比S01E02 附一小部分狗狗品种中英对照
