

作者: R琳茜 | 来源:发表于2021-12-12 14:48 被阅读0次

I think you talk about what I used to be. And now and  what my future will be, It's a very difficult question , Because sometimes you don't know yourself very well.  And you don't know what are you going to be. So I want to talk about her, She's my friend. And she has changed a lot these days.

In the past one year, she came into the school,  She used to be very shy and she has a very  Soft and small voice,  In many times, you have to stand by her side,  If you want to heard her voice clearly, And she's not good on math, But she's working on it, And she works very hard, She worked on her math, And play with her friends,She  is also trying to keep up with what,She has not learned before,And his composition changed from a sentence And change in to half a piece of paper, and then he wrote more and more, and became a piece of paper,And then she write more that we made。She said She had many firstTimes here. The first time She wrote such a long composition, the first time She finished the math, It's the first time to do so much homework and write so many compositions.That's the past that is what she used to be.

And now she's getting better and better and she is always hard working on the things  she didn't know,And she is always hard working on math,Her voice was getting bigger,And She began to raise his hand to answer questions in class.

And I believe in the future,She will be very good.Better than now.Better than I have imagined that  she can be.


  • 她的过去,她的现在,她的未来

    I think you talk about what I used to be. And now and wha...

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