stay glued to his phone 手机不离手
sticky music 这歌有毒
英 [ˈstɪki] 美 [ˈstɪki]
adj. 粘性的;热湿的,闷热的;极不愉快的;不动的
surprising comments 神回复
gang fight 群架
Follow me on social networks 关注我
pursue a girl 追女生
The brain has water damage. 脑子进水了
the tidal wave of AI 浪潮
Make its maiden flight 处女航
英 [ˈmeɪdn] 美 [ˈmedn]
n. 处女;未婚女子;断头机;未得分的投球
adj. 处女的,少女的;首次的,初次的; 没有经验的
stick with your commitment 遵守承诺
never cross the social and moral boundaries
make fruitful progress 富有成效的进展
I want to back you 支持你
The first man 先民
I have somewhat ghost-like features 我有时神出鬼没的
We could be the Vikings of our day 我们能成为这个时代的维京海盗
how many flags do you fight for? 你为哪个国家战斗?
She is able to multiply 繁殖
Die well, brother 永别了,兄弟
The usual riffs(段子) on Twitter and Instagram 推特和图片网上没啥新鲜事
n. 即兴重复段( riff的名词复数 )
fasten the seatbelt 系好安全带
The applications could be endless 可以应用在无数领域
bystander 旁观者
rocket science 深奥的事
be blinded by 被吸引,眼花缭乱
After all we have been through 毕竟我们经历了这么多
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. 地狱空空如也,所有恶魔皆在此。
bottoms up 干杯
well known and well received 公认的
Xi's HK visit leaves upbeat impression. 积极向上的影响
英 [ˈʌpbi:t] 美 [ˈʌpˌbit]
adj. 积极乐观的;愉快的,高兴的
n. 上升;弱拍;兴旺
we will start at first light. 天一亮就走
when you play the game of thrones, you win or you die, there is no middle ground.
a man of your back 战友
I am a temp 我是个临时工
mitigate(v. 缓和) urban ills
英 [ˈmɪtɪgeɪt] 美 [ˈmɪtˌɪɡet]
vt. 使缓和,使减轻;使平息
vi. 减轻,缓和下来
I ain’t in one piece, football makes me whole. 我没有圆满,橄榄球让我完整
Beijing normal university 北京师范大学
State Council 国务院
A giant step for iPhone.
A monumental(纪念碑式的) leap for iPad.
A Chinese banking giant, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China ICCB 工商银行
based on a composite score 综合分数
Chinese-built railway pushes forward Kenya's modernization drive
slated(v. 计划) to be officially launched on Wednesday 计划在周三公布
attend the 9th BRICS summit slated for Sept 3 to 5
英 [sleɪt] 美 [slet]
n. 石板;板岩,页岩;行为记录;石板色,深蓝灰色
vt. 用石板瓦盖,用板岩覆盖(例如屋顶);把…加到竞选者的名单上;安排或指定
adj. 石板的;石板色的,深蓝灰色的
on the sidelines(场外区域) of a ceremony (on the sidelines 在旁观者的角度)
As Africa strives for integration 随着非洲争取一体化
World's first railless train(无轨列车)unveiled(v.公之于众)in Hunan.
CRRC China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation 中国中车股份有限公司
railway rolling stock 铁路车辆
runs on rubber tires rather than rails. 用橡胶轮胎而不是铁路
The train can move at a speed of 70 km/h and can carry up to 500 passengers, offering new options for easing modern transport pressures. 减轻现代运输压力
The train is also powered by electricity and can travel 40km per full charge.
充满电一次可以跑 40km
The driver's cabin 驾驶舱
in an exclusive interview 独家采访
a new overpass(立交桥)in Chongqing dazzles(v.耀眼)
英 [ˈəʊvəpɑ:s] 美 [ˈoʊvərpæs]
n. 立交桥,天桥,高架道路
英 [ˈdæzl] 美 [ˈdæzəl]
vt. 使目眩;使惊异不已
n. 耀眼;眩惑;灿烂
vt.& vi. 目眩;赞叹
play tug-of-war 拔河 (tug v.拖,拽)
Top 10 billionaires in clean energy sector Wang Chuanfu, founder and chairman(创始人和董事长)of BYD Group(比亚迪集团), ranked as the fifth wealthiest businessman in clean energy.
a panel(专家组) session 小组会议
Chinese premier(总理)arrives in Brussels(布鲁塞尔)for China-EU leaders' meeting.
beneficiaries 受益者
world multipolarization and economic globalization 世界多极化和经济全球化
He urged the two sides to jointly confront the instability of the international situation(联合面对国际不稳定形势)with a stable bilateral cooperation(稳定的双边合作).
英 [kənˈfrʌnt] 美 [kənˈfrʌnt]
vt. 面对;使面对面,使对质;碰到,遇到;比较
pragmatic cooperation 务实合作
英 [prægˈmætɪk] 美 [præɡˈmætɪk]
adj. 实用主义的;实际的;好管闲事的;国事的
n. 爱管闲事的人;专断的人;国事诏书;实务家
establish their diplomatic links 外交联系
Li will co-chair(担任联合主席)the China-EU leaders' meeting
comprehensive strategic partnership 全面战略伙伴关系
Hong Kong's 20th return anniversary is to be celebrated on July 1.
Tourists take an antique ship(古代船只)at the Victoria Bay(维多利亚湾)in Hong Kong
withdraw from the Paris climate accord 退出巴黎气候协议
The global climate pact(全球气候条约) that was sanctioned(批准)by his predecessor(前任) and nearly 200 other world leaders.
英 [ˈsæŋkʃn] 美 [ˈsæŋkʃən]
n. 约束力; 制裁,处罚; 批准,认可;鼓励
vt. 批准;鼓励,容忍
fulfill a top campaign pledge 做顶级的行动承诺
sign a pledge 签署承诺书
the Trump administration 特朗普政府
Combating climate change(应对气候变化)is a global consensus and China pledged to tackle(处理)climate change "steadfastly"(坚决地).
英 [kənˈsensəs] 美 [kənˈsɛnsəs]
n. 一致;舆论;一致同意,合意
a joint press conference 联合新闻发布会
With tremendous(巨大的)efforts, China will move towards the 2030 goal step-by-step steadfastly.
no matter what stances(态度)others take 不论别人采取什么立场
英 [stæns] 美 [stæns]
n. 态度,立场;站姿,被放置的姿势;位置;(运动员的)始发姿势
it went into effect(生效)in November last year.
Children's games in ancient China
depict 插画

kicking a stone ball around 踢石球
Flying kites 放风筝
Hide-and-seek 捉迷藏
Watching shadow plays 看皮影戏
Playing diabolo 抖空竹
Firecrackers 爆竹
During the Qing Dynasty, shadow play art reached its peak, and was staged for each major occasion.
Playing diabolo is a very interesting folk game, especially popular in North China.
national intangible(无形的,看不见的)cultural heritage 国家非物质遗产
英 [ɪnˈtændʒəbl] 美 [ɪnˈtændʒəbəl]
adj. 触不到的;难以理解的;无法确定的
n. <商>(指企业资产)无形的
Chongqing is a mountainous city(山城)in Southwest China, with many overpasses(立交桥,人行天桥) built to ease traffic pressure.
英 [mju:ˌnɪsɪˈpæləti] 美 [mjuˌnɪsəˈpælɪti]
n. 自治市;市政当局
monthly/daily active users 月/日活跃用户
the total revenue 总营收
There is still great room for revenue of Weibo to grow. 微博的营收仍有较大提升空间
fake/artificial follower 虚假粉丝
zombie/phantom follower 僵尸粉
英 [ˈfæntəm] 美 [ˈfæntəm]
n. 幻影;幽灵;错觉;恐惧的事物
adj. 幽灵似的;幻影的,虚幻的;虚构的
PKU security guards are "crouching tigers and hidden dragons" 北大保安卧虎藏龙
英 [kraʊtʃ] 美 [kraʊtʃ]
vi. 蜷伏;屈膝,蹲伏;卑躬屈膝
vt. 低头,屈膝
n. 蹲着的姿势
lifelong learning 活到老学到老
ordinary guys with extraordinary dreams 小人物也有大梦想
have a full-time job 全职工作
skip classes 逃课
sneak into classes 蹭课
neglect their studies 荒废学业
indulge in games 沉迷于游戏
英 [ɪnˈdʌldʒ] 美 [ɪnˈdʌldʒ]
vt. 迁就,纵容;使满足;使(自己)沉溺于;使快乐
vi. 沉溺;纵容;满足
thick atmosphere of learning 浓厚的学习氛围
open college-running model 开放的办学模式
attend lectures 听讲座
hole up in the library 泡图书馆
hole up
英 [həul ʌp] 美 [hol ʌp]
learning-oriented society 学习型社会
obey destiny 向命运屈服
show his fondness for children 喜爱
Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation 中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦
hope primary school 希望小学
Hohhot 呼和浩特
President Xi announces the start of the roundtable of the Belt and Road Forum.
The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road 21世纪海上丝绸之路
win their place in history 名垂青史
harmony without uniformity 和而不同
习近平在演讲中称,2000多年前,我们的先辈筚路蓝缕,穿越草原沙漠(trek across vast steppes and deserts),开辟出联通亚欧非的陆上丝绸之路(the Silk Road);我们的先辈扬帆远航,穿越惊涛骇浪(navigate rough seas),闯荡出连接东西方的海上丝绸之路(the maritime Silk Road)。
古丝绸之路绵亘万里,延续千年(span thousands of miles and years),积淀了以和平合作(peace and cooperation)、开放包容(openness and inclusiveness)、互学互鉴(mutual learning)、互利共赢(mutual benefit)为核心的丝路精神(Silk Road spirit)。
computers connected to the internet 联网电脑
intranets in car factories, hospitals, shops and schools 汽车工厂、医院、商店和学校的局域网
encrypt data 对数据进行加密
global ransomware attack 全球性勒索软件攻击
internet security companies 网络安全公司
provide increased security services 提供增强版安全服务
臭氧污染(ozone pollution)可能导致流泪(watering eyes)、眼睛疼(sore eyes)、头痛(headache)等症状出现。
损害肺功能(harm lung function)、刺激呼吸系统(irritate the respiratory system)
air quality rating 空气质量评级
having impact on yield and quality 影响产量和品质
英 [ji:ld] 美 [jild]
vt. 屈服,投降;生产;获利;不再反对
vi. 放弃,屈服;生利;退让,退位
n. 产量,产额;投资的收益;屈服,击穿;产品
Netflix reveals what people like to watch through the day.
classic comedies 经典喜剧
mainstream sitcoms 主流情景喜剧
viewing patterns 视频浏览/观看类型
on their lunch break 午休时间
a late night snack 夜宵
binge-watching 一口气看完(binge: 大吃大喝)
make the bold(大胆的) move of releasing an entire season of 'House of Cards' in 2013.
viewers aren't tied to a schedule. 用户不再受到电视节目表的限制
gather data from users across 22 countries
once lunch time rolls around 一旦到了午餐时间(roll around 有时间流逝的意思)
Once 11 pm strikes 一旦到了晚上11点
midday streaming(午间流媒体) is especially prevalent in Brazil 中午看剧的现象在巴西尤为普遍
this genre(流派) also saw a 24 percent increase in viewing during this time.
When it comes to defining the new 'rules' of TV watching, Frank Underwood said it best: If you don't like how the table is set, turn over the table.
For those of us who are no longer in our teens(13-19), never working out is not an option.
work fitness into our daily routines 在日常生活中锻炼自己
chicken soup stories 鸡汤文
WeChat became a rage 流行
英 [reɪdʒ] 美 [reɪdʒ]
n. 愤怒;激烈,猛烈;渴望,疯狂;〈口〉战争狂
vi. 大发脾气,动怒;流行,风行
