

作者: 邱晨100 | 来源:发表于2020-01-17 10:10 被阅读0次



  1. 数值相关

    • 字符串转浮点数、整数

      select cast (bj_score as bigint), bj_score from dcs_input_tab_bj_score where etl_date = '2019-09-10' limit 50;​  --字符串转整型
      select cast (bj_score as double), bj_score from dcs_input_tab_bj_score where etl_date = '2019-09-10' limit 50;​  --字符串转浮点型
      select cast (bj_score as decimal(18, 2)), bj_score from dcs_input_tab_bj_score where etl_date = '2019-09-10' limit 50;


      1. 上百度查资料,搞懂关于大数据的一些基本常识。
      2. 过来当面请教我。
      3. 你完全可以就当做这是个默认的游戏规则吧,数据进Hive(贴源同步),任何类型通常都是以string类型来保存,不要去思考为什么,按这个规则做相应的数据转换即可。


    • 数值类运算函数举例

      • round(x, d) 保留d位小数,对后面的做四舍五入。
      select round(976.56374123, 5); --对第5位后的做四舍五入
      • is_nan(x) 判断浮点数是为为空,返回true或者false。
      select is_nan(976.56374123);
      • rand() 随机生成一个随机浮点数。
      select rand(); 

      + 官方文档连接
      + 阿里云文档连接

  2. 时间相关

    • 字符串转时间
      -- 固定格式转换
      select cast('2019-09-05' as date);
      select cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp);
      select date('2019-09-05');
      select date(cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp));
      -- 自定义格式转换
      select date_parse('20190905', '%Y%m%d');
      select date_parse('2019-09-05', '%Y-%m-%d');
      select date_parse('06/30/2019', '%m/%d/%Y');
      select date_parse('2019-09-05 09:50:55', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s');
      select date_parse('2019-09-05 09:50', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i');
      select date_parse('2019-09-05 09', '%Y-%m-%d %H');
      说明:必须格式为yyyy-MM-dd的字符串才可以被转换为date类型,必须格式为yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss的字符串才可以被转换为timestamp类型,date_parse转换后的字段类型都是timestamp类型,如果上面的示例时间单位标识符不满足你的需求,你可以再上这里查阅你所需要的。
    • 时间转字符串
        select format_datetime(cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss');
        select format_datetime(cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp),'yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00');
        select format_datetime(cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp),'yyyy-MM-dd');
        select format_datetime(date('2019-09-05'),'yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00');
    • 时间比较
        select date_diff('year',cast('2018-11-05' as date),cast('2019-12-07' as date));
        select date_diff('month',cast('2019-11-05' as date),cast('2019-12-07' as date));
        select date_diff('week',cast('2019-11-05' as date),cast('2019-12-07' as date));
        select date_diff('day',cast('2019-11-05' as date),cast('2019-11-07' as date));
        select date_diff('month',cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp),cast('2019-09-07 09:50:55' as timestamp));
        select date_diff('day',cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp),cast('2019-09-07 09:50:55' as timestamp));
        select date_diff('hour',cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp),cast('2019-09-07 09:50:55' as timestamp));
        select date_diff('minute',cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp),cast('2019-09-07 09:50:55' as timestamp));
        select date_diff('second',cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp),cast('2019-09-07 09:50:55' as timestamp));
        select date_diff('hour',cast('2019-09-05' as date),cast('2019-09-07 09:50:55' as timestamp));
        select date_diff('minute',cast('2019-09-05' as date),cast('2019-09-07 09:50:55' as timestamp));
        select date_diff('day',date('2019-09-05'),cast('2019-09-07 09:50:55' as timestamp));
        select date_diff('hour',date('2019-09-05'),cast('2019-09-07 09:50:55' as timestamp));
        select date_diff('minute',date('2019-09-05'),cast('2019-09-07 09:50:55' as timestamp));
    • 时间加减
      select cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp) + interval '2' day;
      select cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp) - interval '2' day;
      select cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp) + interval '2' hour;
      select cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp) + interval '2' minute;
      select cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp) + interval '2' year;
      select date('2019-09-05') + interval '2' day;
      select date('2019-09-05') - interval '2' day;
      select date('2019-09-05') + interval '2' month;
      select date('2019-09-05') + interval '2' year;
    • where条件时间字段对比
        select .... from ....
         where cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp) > date('2019-09-05')
         limit 10; 
         select .... from ....
         where cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp) >= cast('2019-09-05 09:50:55' as timestamp)
         select .... from ....
         where cast('2019-09-05 00:00:00' as timestamp) = date('2019-09-05')
         limit 10;
         select cast('2019-09-05 00:00:00' as timestamp) = date('2019-09-05');
      顺带说一下,cast('2019-09-05 00:00:00' as timestamp)与date('2019-09-05')是相等的,不信你运行上面SQL的最后一句试试。
    • 其他重要时间函数及用法
      select year(date('2019-10-20'));  --获得该字段的年份
      select day(cast('2019-09-05 00:00:00' as timestamp));   --获得该字段的日期(day of month)
      select day_of_week(date('2020-01-16'));  --获得该日期是本周第几天
      select quarter(cast('2019-09-05 00:00:00' as timestamp)); --获得季度
      select week_of_year(date('2020-01-16'));
      select current_date; --获得今天的日期  
      select current_date - interval '1' day; --昨天
      select format_datetime(current_date,'yyyy-MM-01'); -- 本月一号
      select format_datetime(current_date - interval '1' month,'yyyy-MM-01'); -- 上月一号
      select current_timestamp; --获得当前时间
      select format_datetime(current_timestamp,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'); --当前时间格式化字符串
      select format_datetime(current_timestamp,'yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00');
      select format_datetime(current_timestamp,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00'); --当前小时格式化
      select format_datetime(current_timestamp - interval '1' hour,'yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00'); --上一小时格式化
  3. JSON处理

    • JSON字符串处理

      -- 我们假设有个表t1,里面有个字段a1,其中一行数据为'{"name":"王二","sex":"男","age":"25"}'
      with t1 as (
          select '{"name":"王二","sex":"男","age":"25"}' as a1 
      select json_extract(a1, '$.age') from t1;
      -- 深度提取
      with t1 as (
          select '{"name":"王二","location": {"province": "广东", "city": "深圳"},"sex":"男","age":"25"}' as a1 
      select json_extract(a1, '$.location.city') from t1;
    • JSON数组处理

      -- 提取数组中的第一个元素的值
      with t1 as (
          select '[{"name":"王二","sex":"男","age":"25"},{"name":"李四","sex":"男","age":"47"}]' as a1 
      select json_array_get(a1, 0) from t1;
      -- 提取数组中的第一个元素(JSON)中的key为age的值
      with t1 as (
          select '[{"name":"王二","sex":"男","age":"25"},{"name":"李四","sex":"男","age":"47"}]' as a1 
      select json_extract(json_array_get(a1, 0), '$.age') from t1;
  4. 其他重要函数

    • 转换相关
      -- try_cast 如果你想把某个列转换成你需要的类型,如果遇到不符合要求的数据你会这么处理呢,try_cast会帮你将不符合要求的转换成null:
      with t1 as (
          select 'ss' as a1
          union all
          select '22' as a1
      select try_cast(a1 as bigint) as a1 from t1;
      -- typeof 判断列的类型
      with t1 as (
          select 'ss' as a1
          union all
          select '22' as a1
      select typeof(a1) as a1 from t1;
    • 条件表达式
      -- if(condition, v1) 满足条件则为v1,否则为null
      with t1 as (
          select 45 as a1
          union all
          select 33 as a1
          union all
          select 22 as a1
      select if(a1 > 30, a1) as a1 from t1;
      -- if(condition, v1, v2) 满足条件则为v1,否则为v2
      with t1 as (
          select 45 as a1
          union all
          select 33 as a1
          union all
          select 22 as a1
      select if(a1 > 30, a1, 0) as a1 from t1;
      -- coalesce(value1, value2[, ...]) 返回第一个非空的数值
      with t1 as (
          select 45 as a1, 490 as a2, 17 as a3
          union all
          select null as a1, 220 as a2, 2322 as a3
          union all
          select null as a1, null as a2, 144 as a3
      select coalesce(a1, a2, a3) as a from t1;
      -- nullif(v1, v2) 当v1=v2时返回null,否则返回v1
      select nullif('ss', 'tt');   -- 得到ss
      select nullif(12, 12);       -- 得到null


总体来说,Presto SQL是属于标准SQL,和平时我们使用业界关系型数据库的写法差不多,而Hive SQL则是标准SQL的一个变种,属于Like-SQL的一种,我们通常给它命名为:HiveQL或者HQL。下面主要介绍最关键的几点差异,由于时间有限,后续会不断总结并补充进来更多的差异点进来。

  1. INSERT用法区别

    • Presto如何实现Hive中的insert overwrite
      Hive可以支持insert into(增量插入)和insert overwrite(覆盖全表或者全分区写入), 但是Presto仅支持insert into,如果需要做覆盖写入操作,只能先truncate,再使用insert into

      -- Hive语句 insert overwrite 分区表
      insert overwrite table t1 partition (etl_date='2019-10-20')
      select id, name, age 
      from t2;
      -- Hive语句 insert overwrite 全表
      insert overwrite table t1
      select id, name, age 
      from t2;
      -- Presto实现上述功能 overwrite 分区表
      delete table t1 where etl_date='2019-10-20';
      insert into t1 (id, name, age, etl_date)
      select id, name, age, '2019-10-20' as etl_date
      from t2; --没错,这就是Presto插入到某个分区的方式,分区字段在这 没 当作是一个字段了
      -- Presto实现上述功能 overwrite 全量表
      delete table t1;
      insert into t1 (id, name, age, etl_date)
      select id, name, age, '2019-10-20' as etl_date
      from t2; 
    • Presto其他支持的地方

      -- Presto支持部分字段写入
      insert into t1 (id, name)
      select id, name
      from t2; 
      insert into t1 (name, id, etl_date)
      select name, id, '2019-10-20' as etl_date
      from t2; 
  2. CREATE语句差异

    • HIVE建表方式

      -- 方式一 指定列、分区及存储格式元信息
      CREATE TABLE `dw.utas_tags_change_log`(
          `cust_no` string COMMENT '客户号', 
          `product_code` string COMMENT '产品号', 
          `contract_no` string COMMENT '合同号', 
          `tag_value_old` string COMMENT '标签值old',
          `tag_value_new` string COMMENT '标签值new',
          `change_date` string COMMENT '变更日期')
          COMMENT '用户标签历史变更表'
      PARTITIONED BY (`data_date` string COMMENT '数据日期', `tag_name` string COMMENT '标签名称')
      stored as ORC;
      -- 方式二 从其他表克隆
      CREATE TABLE tmp_qiu1 like tmp_qiu;
      -- 方式三 CTAS
      CREATE TABLE tmp_qiu1 AS select id, name, age 
      from tmp_qiu where etl_date = '2019-10-20';
    • Presto建表方式

      -- 如果需要利用Presto按上述HIVE中的 CTAS方式建表,需要这样操作:
      create table IF NOT EXISTS tmp_qiu1 with (format = 'PARQUET') as 
      select id, name, age 
      from tmp_qiu where etl_date = '2019-10-20';
      -- 还可以这样
      create table tmp_qiu1 with (format = 'ORC') as 
      select id, name, age 
      from tmp_qiu where etl_date = '2019-10-20';
      -- 查看建表DDL语句
      show create table tmp_qiu1;
      -- 所以,如果你想创建能被hive访问的表,你可以先查看人家的建表语句,这是个小技巧,请收藏
  3. 其他写法差异(未完成,待后续补充)

    • JSON处理方面

      with t1 as (
          select '{"name":"王二","sex":"男","age":"25"}' as a1 
      select json_extract(a1, '$.age') from t1;
      with t1 as (
          select '{"name":"王二","sex":"男","age":"25"}' as a1 
      select get_json_object(a1, '$.age') from t1;
      with t1 as (
          select '[{"name":"王二","sex":"男","age":"25"},{"name":"李四","sex":"男","age":"47"}]' as a1 
      select json_array_get(a1, 0) from t1;
      with t1 as (
          select '[{"name":"王二","sex":"男","age":"25"},{"name":"李四","sex":"男","age":"47"}]' as a1 
      select get_json_object(a1, '$.[0].age') from t1;
      -- 提取数组中的第一个元素(JSON)中的key为age的值
      with t1 as (
          select '[{"name":"王二","sex":"男","age":"25"},{"name":"李四","sex":"男","age":"47"}]' as a1 
      select json_extract(json_array_get(a1, 0), '$.age') from t1;
      with t1 as (
          select '[{"name":"王二","sex":"男","age":"25"},{"name":"李四","sex":"男","age":"47"}]' as a1 
      select get_json_object(a1, '$.[0].age') from t1;


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