
作者: c51ebd4f18de | 来源:发表于2021-04-01 12:26 被阅读0次


    By sb’s own account  根据某人的自述

    Open an account at a bank 在银行开户

    What is the account for this loss? 这次损失该如何解释

    To provide an explanation or justification for 为提供说明或者理由 ;说明 的原因

    Ask to account for his conduct 解释自己的行为

    To make up or form (a part of sth) 组成或者形成(某件东西的一部分)占

    Account for 占

    5% of the Chinese population 百分之五的中国人口

    Of no account 不重要的

    On account of 由于

    On no account 绝不

    Take account of=take …into account 考虑到 顾及

    My accountant will prepare my taxes. 我的会计将为我制定税表


    Calculate the cost of the vacation 计算假期花销

    It’s difficult to calculate 很难估计

    To make for a deliberate purpose, design 制定明确目的 设计做某事

    This advertisement is calculated to attract the attention of housewives. 这广告是专为吸引家庭主妇们的注意力

    Calculating 计算

    A guess or judgement of the value, size, amount ect of sth 猜测和判断东西的价值 尺寸数量等

    According to a government estimate 根据政府的估计

    The number of refugees 难民的数量

    The contractor’s estimate for the job seemed high. 承包商的对那项目的估价似乎很高

    An option or judgement about how good or bad sth 选择或判断某样东西有多好或者多坏

    By general estimate poorly made 总的来说质量很差

    Nearly 1 million people are estimated to be unemployed. 估计近1百万人处于失业状态

    Literature teacher  文学老师

    An estimable young professor 一位值得尊重的年轻教授

    Inestimable damage难以估量的损失

    An inestimable prize 难以估量的价格 无价的

    To officially judge how successful, effective or valuable sth is 官方判断东西有多成功 有效 或者价值

    Greenpeace has been invited to appraise the environments cost of such an operation. 绿色和平组织一直以来被邀请参与评价经营这类活动的环境成本

    They tried to appraise the poetry of John Milton. 他们试着评价约翰·弥尔顿

    What’s your appraisal of the situation? 你对局势如何评价

    Admission to university 准许进入

    Admission into the army 准许参军 入伍

    The admission to the movie was five dollars 电影票价为5美元

    Admission free 免门票

    Make an admission of guilt 认罪

    No Admittance (except on business) 闲人免进

    No Admittance 禁止入内

    Admittance of Staff Members Only 限员工入内

    In a court of law 在法庭上

    Admissible evidence 可采纳的证据

    Such behavior is not admissible among our staff 我们不允许员工做那样的行为

    The act of permitting esp in giving formal consent 允许(尤指)给予正式同意的行为

    Without special permission 没有特殊允许

    The test plant 测试车间(工厂)

    Allowed or permitted by laws or rules 法律或者规则允许或者准许

    Prison governor 监狱长

    The requested was unfortunately not permissible 要求不太可能被批准

    Life was brief 生命短暂

    A brief note of thanks 简短的感谢信

    To give instructions or preparatory information to 给予指示或者准备的信息

    Can you brief me on 你能向 我说明

    Drew up 起草

    In brief 简言之

    Is severely depressed 严重抑郁

    Seldom leave home  很少离开家

    Write briefs in a dark office in the attic 在阁楼一间黑暗的办公室里写摘要

    Brevity is the soul of wit 简洁是智慧的精髓

    The brevity of his life 短暂的一生

    To make shorter 缩写

    “Information technology “ is usually abbreviated to “IT”. 信息技术通常所写为IT

    Abbreviation  缩写

    To look around leisurely and casually 休闲随意地参观 转转

    Browse through the newspaper 浏览报纸

    The want ads 招聘广告

    Goats are browsing on shrubs.山羊在灌木丛中吃草



