

作者: Ryanta | 来源:发表于2022-07-25 18:08 被阅读0次

At this week, I didn’t travel to some place out of Beijing, but I went to a place at Beijing, that is Yu yuan tan park, the reason that I didn’t went to some other park is because Yu yuan tan park had a lot of birds, the number is 49 species.

The time we get there is 7 o’clock, because the temperature only at morning and evening isn’t so hot, and we went out that morning, so we choose evening to get there.

But I’m not enough lucky, so I only saw tow kinds of birds, that is: grey magpies and some sort of geese. pity, when I saw the geese, the sky was too dark, so I only took a picture of the grey magpies.

But this “trip” wasn’t all so bad, intactly when the sun hides in the horizon, just like the god open a big air-condition, the hole park started blowing wind and the temperature was lower and lower, it’s a very good weather. At last, I took some pictures of this beautiful park, bought a drink and went back too me home. What a nice evening, what a nice park. Because I didn’t took enough pictures of the birds, so I decide to go there tomorrow.


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