If you’re a quiet person, you need an in to win the attention of a crowd, even if it’s just a few people. The challenge proves formidable, especially when you don’t know anyone in the group you seek to target.
As a quiet person, I’d often fake a bubbly personality to entrench myself in a conversation. That tact always backfired, coming across like that desperate kid in high school trying too hard to fit in, earning them ridicule instead of reverence.
Fortunately, There’s an easier way.
Position yourself as the facilitator in chief — the one who sets everything in motion for the benefit of others. When my mentor Terry set up that networking party, we owed him a debt of gratitude since we benefitted from his action. That generous act created a desire to reciprocate, and we did so by granting him a spotlight.
Acting as the facilitator alone won’t dub you a master of charm, but it earns you the attention and gratitude of those who benefit from your actions, a vital step in winning and maintaining attention.