XIV. An Evening on the River

XIV. An Evening on the River

作者: 吉米妈妈 | 来源:发表于2018-03-14 18:28 被阅读0次


    seam:n. [C ] a line where two pieces of cloth, leather etc have been stitched together〔两块布、皮革等连接处的〕缝,线缝

    swindle: /'swɪndl,ˋswɪndḷ/ v. [T ] to get money from someone by deceiving them

    bail:vt.往外舀水 bail sth out to remove water that has come into a boat从〔船〕中舀出水,舀出〔船中的水〕

    spruce: n. [C,U ]云杉

    gum:n. 树胶

    plug:v. [T ] to fill or block a small hole 把…塞住,堵塞;填塞

    cranky:adj.informal strange

    craft:a small boat 小船


    ballast:['bæləst]n. 压舱物,[建] 压载物;道渣,碎石 vt. 给…装压舱物;给…铺道渣

    back-rest:n. 靠背架;固定中心架

    trail:[I,T] to pull something behind you, especially along the ground, or to be pulled in this way. trail sth in/across/through etc sth. Rees was leaning out of the boat trailing his hand through the water.

    moss:n. 苔藓

    stroke:n. (游泳或划船的)划

    the morrow:the next day 次日,翌日


    dandelion: ['dændɪlaɪən]n. 蒲公英

    deviled:adj. 蘸了很多芥末的

    prop:to support something by leaning it against something, or by putting something else under, next to, or behind it 把…靠在…上;支住,支撑 prop yourself up to hold your body up by leaning against something靠着〔某物〕站直[坐直],撑着站起[坐起],撑起身体

    twilight:n. 黄昏;薄暮

    water lily:睡莲;荷花

    trunks:[plura,复数] a piece of clothing like very short trousers, worn by men for swimming男式游泳裤

    crawl stroke:爬泳,捷泳,自由式泳法

    whippoorwill:['hwɪpʊ,wɪl] n. 北美夜鹰

    drop off:If you drop off to sleep, you go to sleep. 睡着

    dawn:v. [I ] if day or morning dawns, it begins 

    draw near/closer:to become closer in time or space

    fidget: v. [I ]to keep moving your hands or feet, especially because you are bored or nervous

    stump:n. 树桩

    tweed: n. 花呢

    peppermint: n. 薄荷

    sticky: weather that is sticky makes you feel uncomfortably hot, wet, and dirty

    courteous: ['kɝtɪəs] adj.polite and showing respect for other people


    gee whiz:哎呀,哇〔用来表示惊讶或生气〕

    despair:n. 绝望   in despair

    astern:adv. 向船尾;在船尾

    fussy:very concerned about small, usually unimportant details, and difficult to please

    daybreak:n. 黎明;破晓


    Darn it!真讨厌

    darkness spread over the land

    Stuart threw himself down against a stump and tried to strike an easy attitude, as though he were accustomed to taking girls out.

    Stuart's heart sank. (used to say that you lose hope or confidence)

    He sat down on a twig and buried his head in his hands.



          本文标题:XIV. An Evening on the River
