

作者: 沧海随云 | 来源:发表于2019-03-26 21:42 被阅读0次


    美国是世界上医疗费用最高的国家之一。相关数据显示,2017 年,有近 200 万美国人由于负担不起巨额医药费而破产。除此之外,相对于我国相对普及的社会保险制度,在没有实现全民公费医保的美国,人们只能根据自己的需要和经济实力选择相应的商业医疗保险。但纵使有医保保驾护航,他们在面对重症的时候也可能无力承担。这究竟是怎么回事?美国的医疗费用究竟有多夸张?让我们跟着雪梨老师一起来读读《大西洋月刊》的相关新闻。


    Americans are going bankrupt from getting sick

    Medical debt is a uniquely American phenomenon, a burden that would be unfathomable in many other developed countries. According to a survey published this month in the American Journal of Public Health, nearly 60 percent of people who have filed for bankruptcy said a medical expense “very much” or “somewhat” contributed to their bankruptcy.

    Emergency-room visits and planned surgical procedures are the most common causes of large medical bills that patients simply can’t afford to pay. Often, a hospital might be covered by a person’s insurance network, but the individual doctors who work there and the ambulance company that services it aren’t, a situation that can lead to something called balance billing.

    Sometimes, bizarre loopholes kick in at the darkest moments, like the fact that a baby would be covered upon birth under Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program, the government insurance program for children, but a stillbirth might not be covered, says Simon Sandoval-Moshenberg, a legal director at the Legal Aid Justice Center.

    In a statement, an American Hospital Association spokesperson told me that in 2017, hospitals provided more than $38 billion worth of care to patients who could not afford it otherwise.

    Still, some patients do wind up with medical debt, which discourages them from seeking medical care, because they fear they will incur even more debt if they go to the doctor again. In the end, they get sicker, and risk plunging even further into debt.

    When everything fails, and the person is at imminent risk of having wages garnished because they’ve been sued for medical debt, it might be time to file for bankruptcy, says Sandoval-Moshenberg. The people who do become the tip of a very big debt iceberg.


    文中的 balance billing 应该怎么理解?




    Americans are going bankrupt from getting sick


    Medical debt is a uniquely American phenomenon, a burden that would be unfathomable in many other developed countries. According to a survey published this month in the American Journal of Public Health, nearly 60 percent of people who have filed for bankruptcy said a medical expense “very much” or “somewhat” contributed to their bankruptcy.

    医疗债务是美国独有的现象,也是很多其他发达国家难以理解的负担。本月发表在《美国公共卫生杂志》上的一项调查显示,近 60% 申请破产的人都曾表示,医疗费用或多或少导致了他们的破产。

    Emergency-room visits and planned surgical procedures are the most common causes of large medical bills that patients simply can’t afford to pay. Often, a hospital might be covered by a person’s insurance network, but the individual doctors who work there and the ambulance company that services it aren’t, a situation that can lead to something called balance billing.


    Sometimes, bizarre loopholes kick inat the darkest moments, like the fact that a baby would be covered uponbirth under Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program, the government insurance program for children, but a stillbirthmight not be covered, says Simon Sandoval-Moshenberg, a legal director at the Legal Aid Justice Center.


    In a statement, an American Hospital Association spokespersontold me that in 2017, hospitals provided more than $38 billion worth of care to patients who could not afford it otherwise.

    在一份声明中,一位美国医院协会的发言人告诉笔者,在 2017 年,美国的医院为那些负担不起医疗费用的病人提供了价值超过 380 亿美元的医疗服务。

    Still, some patients do wind up with medical debt, which discourages them from seeking medical care, because they fear they will incureven more debt if they go to the doctor again. In the end, they get sicker, and risk plunging even further into debt.


    When everything fails, and the person is at imminent risk of having wages garnished because they’ve been sued for medical debt, it might be time to file for bankruptcy, says Sandoval-Moshenberg. The people who do become the tip of a very big debt iceberg.




    Day 15




    据了解,在美国叫一次救护车,平均需要 1200-1900 美元。不仅如此,救护车上的东西全部都单独收费,小到纱布,大到医疗设备及车上的救助服务。至于要花多少,只有等到收到账单时才能知道。

    医疗费用虽然高昂,美国却没有普及公费医疗保险。在美国,政府只为政府雇员和军人等从事特殊职业的公民提供公费医疗保险(Public Health Insurance)。其他人只能根据自己的需要和个人经济能力选择购买不同类型的商业保险,而绝大多数美国人通过保险公司购买个人医疗保险(Private Health Insurance)。




