我在这个夏天参加了AIESEC海外志愿者活动,去到了摩洛哥的海边城市丹吉尔。之所以选择摩洛哥一开始是因为看了一部名叫卡萨布兰卡的电影,这部电影的故事背景发生在摩洛哥,通过电影里的场景和网上一些游客的照片我觉得摩洛哥这个国家的风景很美,加上我之前并未去过非洲旅游,那里有着我从未感受过的风土人情,便决定去摩洛哥做志愿者。 后来,事实证明我的选择是正确的,因为摩洛哥王室来中国访问后决定对中国公民免签的政策,省去了我递材料办签证等一系列麻烦事儿。
至于我参加的项目,名叫“Youth speak”。这个项目不同于支教、去养老院等大多数志愿项目,它的内容主要是针对摩洛哥当地的问题做一些社会调研,目的是让青年人敢于发表自己的看法并一起努力使这个世界变得更好。我们项目一共三十多人,被TN方分成了四组,基本上组内每个人都来自不同的国家,(很神奇的是每个国家说英语都有着不同的口音,有的很好懂,有的却基本听不出是英语,233)。每个组选不同的主题设计问卷再进行社会调查。其实,这个项目还挺无趣的,因为除了外出调查的日子,大多数时间都是大家聚在咖啡馆设计问卷、写report、剪辑视频、管理facebook页面。
I could make a long list about the worse things that happen to me through this summer. Credit cards stuck in ATM, showering with jug of bottle for 4 days, ate fast food for a whole week, catcalled by local every single time going out, and many other things.But despite all of that, I am more than grateful to have such a wonderful and amazing team that support me and I could recall as a family.
The sharing, the laughter, the trips, the forever waiting, language classes, deep talking under the shooting stars, lovely time in Benidorm, and especially the people that been there in all of my ups and downs through this project are my treasure in this volunteer experience. Thank you, to all of our team that when I look back to my days in Morocco now, the bad memories somehow turns to be funny and I can only remember the good memories and the laughters we shared.