Window Upgrade
Upgrades and adds various features to the existing window system within one’s game. This plugin provides additions to the window classes such as open/close callbacks, better stretch control, etc.
Information Window
Information windows are windows that protray a large amount of information to the player all at once. These require a bit more set up than Question Windows, but have even greater power when it comes to giving information.
To start, one must go to the “Info Windows” parameter to setup an InfoWindow. An Info Window requires Text, Width, Line Height, and a Default Font Size. Once these four things have been setup, one may display that specific Info Window by using the ID listed next to it in the Plugin Manager’s list.
开始,必须先到“Info Windows”参数来设置信息窗口。信息窗口需要文本,宽度,线条高度和默认字体大小。一旦设置了这四件事情,就可以使用插件管理器列表中它旁边列出的ID 来显示该特定的信息窗口
CreateInfoWindow [windowId]
In order to show the Info Window, use this plugin command and place its window ID next to it. That specific window with the specified information will be shown.
为了显示信息窗口,使用这个插件命令并将其窗口ID 放在它旁边。将显示具有指定信息的特定窗口。
When customizing the text of the window, one may use text codes. Furthermore,one may also use a hr ag to generate a horizontal line.
Choice Window Creation
The plugin provides an alternative choice window with more options including
row, column, and alignment control, along with the capability to add an indefinite number of choices.
n order to set this up, simply use the plugin command:
CreateChoiceWindow [variableId] [choice1, choice2, choice3, …]
This will create a choice window with the defined choices and have the result be placed within a variable defined by the “variableId”. If the first choice is chosen, 0 will be placed into that variable. Choice2 will input a value of 1, choice 3 will be 2, etc.
Choice Window Setup Data
In order to customize the columns, rows, and alignment for the Choice window, the following plugin command must also be used before creation:
SetChoiceWindowData [cols] [rows] [align]
This will set the columns, rows, and alignment respectively.
For example:
SetChoiceWindowData 1 4 right
If you wish to reset the data, you can use the plugin command:
Question Window Setup Choices
Questions windows are windows that contain both information and the ability to select a choice within itself. These are more stylized than normal choice windows, providing a better alternative for developers in specific situations.
SetQuestionWindowChoices [choice1, choice2, choice3, …]
To start, once must call this plugin command to set up the names of the choices that will be shown on the question window. For example, if someone wanted to create a “yes”/”no” question, they could do:
SetQuestionWindowChoices Yes, No
Question Window Setup Data
In order to customize the columns, rows, and alignment for the Question window, the following plugin command must also be used before creation:
为了自定义“选项” 窗口的列,行和对齐方式,还必须在创建之前使用以下插件命令:
SetQuestionWindowData [cols] [rows] [align]
This will set the columns, rows, and alignment respectively.
For example:
SetQuestionWindowData 2 2 left
If you wish to reset the data, you can use the plugin command:
Question Window Creation
Once the choices are set up, one may call upon the Question window using this plugin command:
CreateQuestionWindow [variableId] [message]
Once the choices are set up, this plugin command creates the question window itself. The first input, “variableId”, should be a number representing the ID of the variable the result will be stored in. The result will be a number value, starting from 0, representing which choice was selected.
Here’s an example:
CreateQuestionWindow 3 Do you like cake?
This will create a Question Window that asks, “Do you like Cake?” and stores the result in variable ID 3. Since we set up 2 choices from before, “Yes” and “No”, the variable will be set to 0 is Yes is chosen, and 1 if No is chosen.
这将创建一个问题窗口,询问“你喜欢Cake吗?”并将结果存储在变量ID 3中。由于我们从前面设置了2个选择,“是” 和“否”,变量将被设置为0选择“是”,如果选择“ 否”,则选择1。