

作者: AD刘涛 | 来源:发表于2021-04-19 13:11 被阅读0次


Visits (人次) to the world's 100 most-visited art museums plummeted by 77 percent last year to 54 million, from 230 million in 2019, as the coronavirus pandemic forced closures.

plummeted 垂直落下,骤然跌落

closures (永久的)停业( closure的名词复数 ), 倒闭, 结束, (路或桥的)暂时封闭


An annual survey by the Art Newspaper usually highlights museums that did well and the popular exhibitions, but its latest edition, published on Tuesday, focuses on how visitor numbers and revenues have been ravaged by closures and restrictions.

survey 调查,勘测, 概述
revenues 收入( revenue的名词复数 ), [复数]总收入, 收入来源, 税务局
ravage 毁坏, 蹂躏, 劫掠, 抢劫
restriction 约束( restriction的名词复数 ), 管制, 制约因素, 带限制性的条件(或规则)


* 关于 how [conj]


He described to me how he askd for her hands. 他向我描述他是如何向她求婚的。

The publication (出版、发行) noted that, on average, museums worldwide were shut for an extra 145 days last year, adding up to 41,000 days in total, which it said was "more than a century's worth of visits missed".


opping the list of the world's most visited museums is the Louvre in Paris, which counted 2.7 million people through its doors - a plunge of 72 percent. It reported losses of 90 million euros ($106 million).

plunge 下跌


The Louvre was helped in large part by its once-in-a-lifetime Leonardo exhibition, which closed in February. The exhibition celebrating the works of Leonardo da Vinci drew more than 10,000 visitors a day, making it the museum's most-visited show ever.

once-in-a-lifetime 一生只有一次、千载难逢


The French capital's three major art museums - the Louvre, the Centre Pompidou and the Musee d'Orsay - suffered a combined 73 percent drop in attendance, down to 4.5 million from 16.5 million in 2019.

attendance 出席(人数), 出勤, 陪同



