精读|科学简史Day 3

精读|科学简史Day 3

作者: 冥想音 | 来源:发表于2017-03-01 17:05 被阅读24次

Part One  拓展阅读科普笔记

1.atom  原子

subatomic particle:

electron 电子  symbol: e-/β-

proton 质子    symbol: p / p+

neutron 中子

2.particle  粒子


(1)subatomic particles: electrons

(2)microscopic particles: atoms, molecules

(3)macroscopic particles(肉眼可见的): powders, granular materials(颗粒物)


nucleus原子核the positively charged dense center of an atom


nucleon核子(指质子或中子)a constituent部分(proton or neutron) of an atomic nucleus

nucleonics    the branch of physics that studies the internal structure of atomic nuclei(Synonyms: atomic physics, nuclear physics)

4.isotope VS nuclide

isotope同位素  one of two or more atoms with the same atomic number but with different numbers of neutrons

An isotope of a chemical element is an atom that has a different number of neutrons (that is, a greater or lesser atomic mass) than the standard for that element.

The atomic number is the number of protons in an atom's nucleus. Atomic mass adds to that the number of neutrons in the nucleus. Each element has a typical atomic mass, but when the number of protons stays the same and the number of neutrons changes, you have an isotope.

同位素的表示是在该元素符号的左上角注明质量数(质子数+中子数),左下角注明质子数。 例如碳14,一般用14C而不用C-14。



A nuclide (from nucleus) is an atomic species characterized by the specific constitution of its nucleus.

Identical nuclei belong to one nuclide, for example each nucleus of the carbon-13 nuclide is composed of 6 protons and 7 neutrons.



The nuclide concept (referring to individual nuclear species) emphasizes nuclear properties over chemical properties, while the isotope concept (grouping all atoms of each element) emphasizes chemical over nuclear.



An ion is an atom or a molecule in which the total number of electrons is not equal to the total number of protons, giving the atom or molecule a net positive or negative electrical charge. Ions can be created, by either chemical or physical means, via ionization.


an ionized state of matter similar to a gas.

Plasma is one of the four fundamental states of matter, the others being solid, liquid, and gas. Yet unlike these three states of matter, plasma does not naturally exist on the Earth, and can only be artificially generated from neutral gases. The term was first introduced by chemist Irving Langmuir in the 1920s.

等离子体是一种由自由电子和带电离子为主要成分的物质形态,广泛存在于宇宙中,常被视为是物质的第四态,被称为等离子态,或者“超气态”,也称“电浆体”。等离子体具有很高的电导率,与电磁场存在极强的耦合作用。它是部分电离的气体,由电子,离子,自由基,中性粒子,及光子组成.等离子体本身是含有物理和化学活泼粒子的电中性混合物.这些活泼自由基粒子能够做化学功,而带电原子和分子通过溅射能够做物理功,结果,通过物理轰击和化学反应,等离子工艺能够完成各种材料表面改性,包括表面活化、 污染物去除、刻蚀等功效.

6.particle decay

Particle decay is the spontaneous process of one unstable subatomic particle transforming into multiple other particles.



7.helium 氦气

8.polonium & uranium & thorium分别为放射性化学元素:钋 铀 钍(produce nuclear energy)


Part Two  体会

It is the first article in gambition's intensive reading class. I just regard it as a warm-up task. In this way, I have gone through the process of reading original pages and making notes on the first day, picturing a mind map and listening to Annie's anaysis on the second day as well as summing up on the third day. Athough I attempted to catch up the pace of the class, I still encounter lots of problems: both in text itself and in software techniques, esp. difficulties on the use of mind map apps.



      本文标题:精读|科学简史Day 3
