The Summary of ''Wisdom of Bear

The Summary of ''Wisdom of Bear

作者: 晨辉工作室 | 来源:发表于2019-05-16 22:01 被阅读0次

00. This article shows a deep friendship between generations.The protogonist Michael moves frenquently due to his father's job while he was a child,so he was used to wrenching himself away from friends .

01.Michael is lonely,so is a old lady Mrs. Robertso-Glassgow.But situation have changed since they met and made friendship , a deep friendship between generations.

02.Under the old lady's education ,Michael grows up quickly and becomes a ''professor'' in his school ,that made his  very happy.

03.Later ,the lady passed away ,and Michael miss her very mach.



      本文标题:The Summary of ''Wisdom of Bear
