

作者: 小燕_lillian | 来源:发表于2020-02-06 14:28 被阅读0次

    单选题 (每题1分,共42道题)

    1、 [单选] 在收尾会议上,项目发起人表示根据项目评估,项目取得成功。但一位相关方却不同意,因为没有实现他们的需求。项目经理指出,相关方的需求在项目范围说明书中被称为项目除外情况。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

    During the close-out meeting the project sponsor slates that the project is a success based on its evaluating.A stakeholder disagrees because their requirements were unfilleThe project manager states that the stakeholder’s requirements were mentioned as project exclusions in the project scope statement What should the project manager do next?


    Ignore the stakeholder’s argument and continue the close-out meeting


    Propose conducting a project assessment to ensure that the project is complete


    Suggest using these requirements as scope for another project


    Add the issue to the issue log

    正确答案:C 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:注意,该相关方的需求是明确列为除外项,所以本项目坚决不考虑。排除D。 A,强迫,一般非紧急情况不采用。 B,妥协,此时没必要妥协。 C,缓和,保留双方的关系,以后在别的项目再考虑。当前最好的措施。

    2、 [单选] —个项目的规模已经大到由指导委员会取代单一的项目发起人。项目经理应该怎么做来适应这种新发展?

    A project has become to large that the single sponsor is replaced by a steering committee.What should the project manager do to accommodate the new development?


    Recognize that there is a change in stakeholders structure and tailor communications to this group


    Continue to work according to the initial plan while recognizing that the project now includes additional stakeholders.


    Organize a meeting for the team with the new steering committee and continue work on the project


    Share the current status report with the new committee

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:监督项目相关方关系,并通过修订参与策略和计划来引导相关方合理参与项目的过程。监督相关方参与输出包含更新相关方登记册、沟通管理计划。题目强调相关方结构发生变化,不是新识别相关方。 A,沟通是建立在相关方的基础上,相关方结构发生变化,沟通需求,上报步骤,信息流向等等都会发生变化。是必需的。 B,识别其他相关方,题目没有描述。不选 C,管理相关方参与。是可以的。 D,在A之后才能做。 优先级最高的是答案A。

    3、 [单选] 项目经理正在制定相关方参与计划,并识别到一位权力等级较高但在项目中兴趣较低的相关方,项目经理应该如何对待该相关方?

    A project manager is developing the stakeholder engagement plan and identifies a stakeholder with a high level of power and a low level of interest in the project. How should the project manager deal with this stakeholder?


    Manage closely


    Keep informed




    Keep satisfied

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案 D 解析:权力/利益方格,对于权力大利益小的相关方,需要“令其满意 权力大利益大:重点管理 权力小利益小:监督 权力小利益大:随时告知

    4、 [单选] 项目经理加入一个备受瞩目的项目,该项目将为公司带来重大效益,项目发起人告诉项目经理,一些关键相关方不赞同项目的效益,并且可能抵制该项目的工作。项目经理该怎么做?

    A project manager joins a high-profile project that will create significant benefits for the company .The project sponsor tells the project manager that some key stakeholders disagree on the project’s benefits and may be resistant to working on it.What should the project manager do ?


    Develop a responsibility assignment matrix(RAM).


    Ask the sponsor to obtain support from the stakeholders.


    Meet with stakeholders to present the project.


    Update the stakeholder register with this information

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案 D 解析: 通过发起人的说明可以识别出目前关键相关方的信息,应将其更新至相关方登记册。 A属于规划资源管理的工具 B 选项错误排除 C 会议是识别相关方的一项工具,不能影响相关方。

    5、 [单选] —个相关方认为最近一个项目的可交付成果没有实现,若要获得该相关方的批准,项目经理应该怎么做?

    A stakeholder believes that a recent project’s deliverables were not achieveWhat should the project manager do to gain this stakeholder’s approval?


    Analyze this stakeholder’s needs and expectations and review the project scope.


    Review the project charter with this stakeholder.


    Examine the quality management plan with this stakeholder.


    Obtain the stakeholder’s new requirements and perform a risk analysis

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:相关方的期望没有实现,应该首先分析相关方的需求与期望、处理问题,并促进相关方参与。也可用排除法。题干中没有说明发生的质量问题和出现了风险,C,D排除。项目章程已确立,无需再和该相关人审阅,B排除。

    6、 [单选] 一位相关方要求更频繁,更详细地更新项目状态。该相关方也表示有兴趣协助该项目。项目经理下一步该怎么做?

    A stakeholder requests more frequent and detailed updates on the project’s status.The stakeholder also expresses interest in helping with the project. What should the project manager do next?


    Send detailed status reports as soon as possible and update the stakeholder register


    Include this stakeholder in all detailed project status communications and update the stakeholder’s engagement level to supportive


    Meet with the team to review the stakeholder register and reassess the roles and reporting requirements


    Update the detailed status report for all stakeholders with the same engagement level

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:相关方的期望发生了变化,首先应该登记与分析,C是最佳答案

    7、 [单选] 一个工厂扩建项目已接近完成50%,这时一群当地居民组成一个维权组织来抗议该项目。项目经理应该怎么做?

    An factory expansion project is nearly 50 percent complete,when a group of local residents forms an activist group to protest it.What should the project manager do?


    Perform a stakeholder analysis,and adjust the stakeholder engagement plan accordingly


    Inform the project sponsor that the activist group represents a risk to the project schedule


    Meet with the activist group to add its requirements to:the project


    Educate the activist group on the benefits that the project will bring to the community

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A


    8、 [单选] 在一个项目的用户验收阶段,一些用户抱怨他们的期望未得到满足,项目经理事先应该釆取哪一个不同做法?

    During a project's user acceptance stage,some user's complain that their expectations have been unmet.What should the project manager have done differently?


    Considered stakeholder feedback


    Conducted risk assessments


    Implemented conflict management techniques


    Established a professional relationship with the users

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:说明解析:PMBOK(6)P530-13.4监督相关方参与。P523-13.3管理相关方参与。通过监督相关方参与过程发现用户抱怨期望未满足,通过管理相关方参与过程使用沟通技能收集相关方反馈,P527-沟通技能。项目管理团队应该使用反馈机制,来了解相关方对各种项目管理活动和关键决策的反映。选项B:题干显示,验收时用户抱怨,这是问题,不是风险,选B不合适问题已经发生了,事先识别风险、评估风险虽然必要,但不如A选具体。选项C:项目收尾是项目经理的责任不该上报发起人和职能经理。 选项D:本选项是监督风险过程,项目已经被提前终止了,首选不选监控过程。

    9、 [单选] 在每周一次的项目会议上,一位团队成员表示在修订一项可交付成果时,一名销售经理对客户服务过程做出一项重要评论,影响到整个项目。项目经理对销售经理参与项目可交付成果感到吃惊。 若要预防这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?

    During a weekly project meeting, a team member states that during a deliverable revision, a sales manager made an important remark regarding a customer care process that impacts the entire project. The project manager Is surprised that the sales manager is involved in the project deliverables. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?


    Improved the risk review meetings and developed the risk register.


    Performed a stakeholder analysis and developed the stakeholder engagement plan.


    Included functional team processes in the issue log and developed preventive.actions.


    Identified the scope of the project and informed the stakeholders

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:识别相关方是定期识别项目相关方,分析和记录他们的利益、参与度、相互依赖性、影响力和对项目成功的潜在影响的过程。本过程的主要作用是,使项目团队能够建立对每个相关方或相关方群体的适度关注。

    10、 [单选] 项目经理必须管理潜在的相关方利益冲突,相关方参与评估矩阵识别到一个反对项目且有影响力的相关方。项目经理应该如何调整符合该相关方的期望?

    A project manager must manage potential conflicting stakeholders interests.The stakeholder engagement assessment matrix identifies an influential stakeholder who is resistant to the project. What should the project manager do to sign the stakeholder’s expectations?


    Create the stakeholder engagement plan.


    Communicate the stakeholder engagement plan.


    Meet with all stakeholders to gain consensus on project objectives.


    Updates the stakeholder register.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案:D 解析:相关方登记册有助于识别对质量有特别兴趣或影响的相关方,尤其注重客户和项目发起人的需求和期望。

    11、 [单选] 项目发起人任命一位高级工程师到指导委员会,来帮助监督项目管理计划。该工程师经常不同意由项目团队制定的计划,并在提交标准之前对项目管理计划表达严重关切。项目经理应该怎么做?

    The project sponsor appoints a senior engineer to the steering committee to help oversee the project management plan.The engineer often disagree with the plans produced by the project team,and expresses critical concerns about the project management plan before it is submitted for approval. What should the project manager do?


    Inform the project sponsor that the engineer is delaying the planning process


    Review the project plan with the steering committee,and address any concerns that are raised by the engineer


    Conduct a private meeting with the engineer to understand and address their concerns


    Submit the project management plan,and address the engineer's concerns at a better time by following change management procedures

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:人际交往是通过与他人互动交流信息,建立联系。人际交往有利于项目经理及其团队通过非正式组织解决问题,影响相关方的行动,以及提高相关方对项目工作和成果的支持,从而改善绩效。

    12、 [单选] —个更换关键应用程序的项目将影响多个内部和外部服务。在规划过程中,拥有这些服务的项目相关方未能承诺履行约定活动。项目经理应该如何改进项目相关方的参与程度?

    A project that replaces critical applications will affect multiple internal and external services. During the planning process, project stakeholders with these services fail to commit to carrying out the agreed activities. How should the project manager improve the participation of the project stakeholders?


    To negotiate and communicate


    To report this to the Steering Committee


    To prepare a Probability and Impact Matrix


    To record this situation in the Problem Log

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:相关方没有按照既定的要求执行,导致项目出现了明显的偏差,需要通过谈判了解原因并纠正。

    13、 [单选] 公司的首席执行官每半年视察某个项目一次,若确保与首席执行官的期望保持一致,项目团队应该确认哪一项?

    The company's CEO visits a project once every six months. To ensure consistency with the CEO's expectations, which of the following items should the project team confirm?


    Register of Stakeholders


    (SOW)Statement of Work (SOW)


    Team Communication Template


    Project Forecast Document

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A 


    14、 [单选] 项目经理识别到项目相关方具有不同的需求和期望。为确保项目成功,项目经理应该怎么做去确保项目的成功?

    The project manager identifies that project stakeholders have different requirements and expectations. What should the project manager do to ensure the success of the project?


    To use progress technology


    To create power/influence grids


    To perform risk analysis


    To define roles and responsibilities

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B


    15、 [单选] 项目经理研究报纸文章,以确定哪些团体可能影响项目。项目经理执行的是哪一个过程?

    The project manager studies newspaper articles to determine which group will affect the project. Which process is the project manager performing?


    Control risk


    Identify stakeholders


    Control stakeholders' participation


    Identify risks

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B


    16、 [单选] 项目经理正在领导一个项目,扩建一个小镇上的制造工厂。在上次市议会会议期间,当地居民对该项目表示担忧。项目经理将当地居民添加到相关方参与计划中,项目经理接下来应该做什么?

    A project manager is leading a project to expand a manufacturing plant in a small town.During the last city council meeting,local residents raised about the project.The project manager adds the local residents to the stakeholder engagement plan.What should the project manager do to address their concerns?


    Submit an article to the local newspaper explaining the expansion and how it will benefit the community.


    Place a bulletin board outside the city hall to provide project progress updates.


    Hold an interactive question and answer session during the next city council meeting.


    Use TV and radio spots to keep them informed about the project and their concerns.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D


    17、 [单选] 一家公司正在进行重组,虽然并不是所有新职位都是已知的,但是组织变更情况已经传达,项目经理应该怎么做?

    A company is going through a reorganization.Although not all new positions are known yet,organizational changes are already being communicate What should the project manager do?


    Update the risk management plan with potential future stakeholder changes,


    Update the stakeholder register with the information that is already available.


    Align expectations with key stakeholders.


    Inform all stakeholders about the current project status.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P507-13.1 识别相关方。定期识别相关方,分析和记录他们的利益,参与度,相互依赖度等,在整个项目期间定期开展。项目的相关方发生改变,应该首先更新相关方登记册。

    18、 [单选] 一家组织在一个发展中国家启动一个大型项目。项目经理同时也是当地的一位相关方,非常支持这个项目。在项目执行期间,该项目经理调到另一个国家工作,新项目经理对该项目的支持较少,因为使用了许多专注于其他日常职责的当地资源。项目经理应该审查哪份文件?

    An organization initiates a large project in a developing country. The project manager, who is also the local stakeholder, is very supportive of this project. During project execution, the project manager is transferred to another country. The new project manager is less supportive of the project because it uses many local resources that could be focusing on other daily responsibilities. What document should the project manager review?


    Organizational process assets


    Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix


    Project management plan


    Stakeholder engagement plan

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P521-相关方参与度评估矩阵用于将相关方当前参与水平与期望参与水平进行比较。

    19、 [单选] 一位相关方经常错过计划每两周举行一次的相关方会议。项目经理首先应该怎么做?

    One stakeholder regularly misses scheduled biweekly Stakeholder meeting. What should the project manager do first?


    Start recording the biweekly meetings , and share the recordings with all the intended attendees.


    Ask the project sponsor to intervene with the stakeholder.


    Meet with the stakeholder to discuss his failure to attend meetings.


    Review the stakeholder engagement assessment matrix to understand the engagement level of the stakeholder.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案:D 解析:PMBOK(6)P521-相关方参与度评估矩阵用于将相关方当前参与水平与期望参与水平进行比较。

    20、 [单选] 公司进行重组,导致项目团队发生变化。项目经理应该怎么做?

    A company restructures, which results in changes to the project team. What should the project manager do?


    Validate the business case with the new team members.


    Reference the organizational breakdown structure(OBS)


    Perform a stakeholder analysis.


    Review the project requirements with the new team members.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P512-团队有变化,有新的相关方加入,需要进行相关方分析。相关方分析会产生相关方清单和关于相关方的各种信息。

    21、 [单选] 一位项目经理加入一个现有项目。第一天,由于可交付成果质量差,一位相关方威胁说停止该项目。 项目经理应该如何解决这个问题?

    A project manager joins an existing project. In their first day , a stakeholder threatens to stop the project due to the poor quality of its deliverables. How should the project manager address this?


    Check the organizational chart to understand the role of all stakeholders.


    Update the issue log, and escalate it to the project sponsor.


    Consult the power interest grid to assess the stakeholder's authority.


    Revise the communications management plan to include the stakeholder in quality reporting.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P512-权力利益方格。

    22、 [单选] 在执行相关方分析时,项目经理识别出两个关键项目相关方之间的负面关系,其中一个相关方正在为项目提供资金。另一个相关方是用户端-客户,他希望包含出资相关方拒绝考虑的其他功能。 项目经理应该如何处理相关方的关系?

    While performing the stakeholder analysis, the project manager identifies negative relationships between two key stakeholders, one of which is funding the project. Another relevant party is the client-client, who wants to include other functions that the relevant party refuses to consider. How should the project manager handle stakeholder relationships?


    Exclusively address the goals of the stakeholder providing project funding.


    Solely address the goal of the client-client.


    Address all stakeholders on an equal footing and communicate to overcome conflicts.


    Strategically address only the problems of less relevant parties and avoid conflicts.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:项目经理管理需求,要客观、公正对待相关方的需求,C最好。本题也可以当成冲突问题,C即面对。

    23、 [单选] 项目团队正在研究一个项目的新批准范围,监管团队在变更方面提供的意见是不可或缺的。但是,该团队发现监管部门未被列为项目相关方。 项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

    A project team is working on a project’s new approved scope. The regulatory team was integral in providing input that necessitated this change. However, the team discovers that the regulatory department was not listed as a project stakeholder. What should the project manager do next?


    Instruct the project team to verify the need for this change.


    Create a new change request and ensure that the regulatory team is involved in the process.


    Gather further input from the regulatory team and update the existing change request to reflect the new information.

     D:确保监管团队包含在变更控制委员(CCB) 中

    Ensure that the regulatory team is included in the change control boar

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P514-识别了新的相关方,且该相关方为关键相关方,应采取变更请求。

    24、 [单选] 一个关键的项目决策需要所有相关方的支持。项目经理现在得知之前未识别到一名关键相关方。 项目经理应该做什么来防止这个问题成为项目进展和成功的障碍?

    A key project decision requires the support of all stakeholders. The project manager now learns that one key stakeholder was not previously identifie What should the project manager do to prevent this from being an obstacle to the project's progress and success?


    Review the stakeholder register.


    Meet with the project sponsor.


    Update the stakeholder engagement assessment matrix.


    Conduct regular and timely reviews of the communication strategy.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P514-题目问的是如何防止未识别到一个关键相关方对未来的项目造成后续影响和障碍,应该更新相关方参与评估矩阵来对该相关方进行管理。

    25、 [单选] 一位经验丰富的项目经理加入了一个已经执行六个月的项目。在与相关方的第一次会议期间,项目经理了解到客户担心他们的期望没有得到满足。 项目经理应该查阅哪一份文件来解决这个问题?

    An experienced project manager joins a project that has been ongoing for six months.During their first meeting with stakeholder, the project manager learns of a customer concern that their expectations are not being met. What should the project manager refer to address this concern?


    Project charter


    Assumption log


    Scope management plan


    Stakeholder engagement plan

    正确答案:D 你的答案:D

    解析:参考答案:D 解析:PMBOK(6)P522-属于相关方问题,根据相关参与计划来解决。

    26、 [单选] 团队根据原型评审会上的客户反馈意见实施了一项变更,一位关键相关方现在担心项目可交付成果不符合验收标准。 项目经理应该如何防止再次发生这种情况?

    A team implemented a change based on client feedback from the prototype review. A key stakeholder is now concerned that a project deliverable fails to meet the acceptance criteri What should the project manager do to prevent this from reoccurring?


    Check the work breakdown structure ( WBS ) to identify which stakeholder’s deliverable is being impacte


    Review the stakeholder engagement process and update the stakeholder engagement plan with relevant information.


    Have a discussion with the sponsor about developing the stakeholder engagement plan.


    Use the stakeholder engagement process from a similar, previous project.

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:相关方没有参与变更导致的问题,应该确保相关方参与变更过程,B相对最好。

    27、 [单选] 一名新项目经理加入一个正在执行中的项目。该项目经理不清楚哪些环境因素可能影响向关键相关方进行有效的信息报告。 项目经理应该查阅下列哪份文件来了解这些影响?

    A new project manager joins a project in progress. The project manager is unclear about what environmental factors may impact effective information reporting to key stakeholders. What should the project manager referent to understand these impacts?


    Communications management plan


    Stakeholder engagement plan


    Procurement management plan


    Risk management plan

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B

    解析:参考答案:B 解析:PMBOK(6)P516-13.2规划相关方参与。注意题干的描述是了解能够影响到相关方的因素,而不是强调的信息。

    28、 [单选] 一个项目有五名主要发起人,其中三名常常向项目经理质疑项目的状态。项目经理应如何确保获取所有发起人的持续支持?

    A project has five main sponsors,three of whom often challenge the project manager on the project’s status.What should the project manager do to ensure continuous support from all sponsors?


    Document this in the issue log.


    Escalate the issue to the project management office(PMO) director.


    Meet with the sponsors to understand their expectations.


    Meet with the team to set expectations.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:考答案:C 解析:pmbok6的522页13.2.3.1相关方参与计划:相关方问题,管理相关方参与,C是的。题目问如何确保支持,A不能满足,所以不选。

    29、 [单选] 在一个系统升级项目的早期阶段,两位关键相关方由新加入公司的人员所取代,导致项目延期。项目经理首先应该怎么做?

    In the early stage of a system upgrade project,two key stakeholders are replaced by people new to the company causing project delays.What should the project manager do first?


    Update the stakeholder register.


    Share the project schedule with the new stakeholders.


    Review the project charter with the new stakeholders.


    Train the new stakeholders on the system-

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(13),P514,识别了新的相关方,首先更新到相关方登记册中。

    30、 [单选] 项目经理正在为一个项目工作,该项目的相关方分布在多个国家,为确保有效沟通并获得相关方批准项目管理计划,项目经理应该怎么做?

    A project manager is working on a project with stakeholders distributed across multiple multiple countries. What should the project manager do to ensure effective communication and to obtain stakeholder approval of the project management plan?


    Provide detailed information about the project, including risk, escalation approach, schedule, cost and all deliverables.


    Request assistance from the project sponsor.


    Prepare the relevant party's participation plan and register

     D:沟通PMO (项目管理办公室)的项目知识和期望,已取得相关方的支持

    Communicate the project instructions and expectations of the PMO (office of project management) to obtain the relevant parties' support.

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:参见PMBOK第6版 13.2 规划相关方参与。确保有效沟通和希望相关方支持并批准项目管理计划,同时是相关方问题和沟通问题。用C是解决这两个问题的前提。用排除法A、B、是错的,C更恰当。

    31、 [单选] 由于升职,一位新相关方加入到一个项目中。该相关方对其新角色的操作责任有良好的认识,但未接受过与该项目角色相关的培训。项目经理应该怎么做?

    As the result of a promotion,a new stakeholder is added to a project. The stakeholder has a good sense of the operational responsibilities of their new role, but has no training related to this role on project. What should the project manager do?


    Meet with the new stakeholder to review relevant project documents and and collect background information,then update the stakeholder register.


    Ask the new stakeholder for written confirmation of their understanding of the new role, then update the project charter.


    Update the project governance plan to add the new stakeholder and include a description of the associated responsibilities to reflect this change.


    Revise the work breakdown structure(WBS)to include the associated deliverables of the new stakeholder.

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:参考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P507-13.1识别相关方。定期识别项目相关方,分析和记录他们的利益、参与度、相互依赖性、影响力和对项目成功的潜在影响。应根据需要在整个项目期间定期开展。

    32、 [单选] 在项目中途,一个挑剔的客户要求提供定期报告,包含比沟通管理计划中批准的更详细信息。这项请求将导致生产成本超出预算,项目经理不能承受让客户生气的后果,但客户又拒绝见面讨论此事。项目经理应该怎么做?

    Middle through a project, a difficult customer demands periodic reports that contain much greater detail than what was approved in the communication management plan. This request will cause production cost to exceed the budget, the project manager cannot afford to upset this customer, but the customer refuses to meet to discuss this matter. What should the project manager do?


    Remind the customer of the requirements outlined in the stakeholder engagement plan and request corrective actions


    Ask someone with influential in the stakeholder organization to help guide the customer’s expectations to align with the agreed-upon plan


    Submit a change requests to cover the additional cost of producing the reports


    Accept the request to keep the customer satisfied and update the communications

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B


    33、 [单选] 项目经理向指导委员会展示项目章程,指导委员会非常担心预先分配的资源,因为相关方不了解他们在项目中的参与情况。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?

    A project manager presents the project charter to the steering committee.The steering committee is concerned about preassigned resource allocation because the stakeholders are unaware of their participation in the project. What should the project manager have done to avoid this?


    Obtained stakeholders’ expectations


    Managed stakeholder engagement


    Completed the stakeholder register


    Defined roles and responsibilities for each stakeholder

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析:参考答案:C 解析:PMBOK(6)P507-13.1识别相关方,分析记录他们的利益、参与度、相互依赖性等,对项目成功潜在的影响。

    34、 [单选] 项目经理正与多位相关方一起管理一个庞大而复杂的项目。一些相关方反对项目的效益, 而另一些则非常支持。项目经理应该使用什么来澄清并正确管理这些相关方?

    A project manager is leading a large,complex project with several stakeholders.Some stakeholders are against the project benefits,while some are very supportive. What should the project manager use to classify and properly manage the stakeholders?


    Salience model


    Power/interest grid


    Impact/influence grid


    Stakeholder cube

    正确答案:A 你的答案:A

    解析:考答案:A 解析:PMBOK(6)P513-凸显模型适用于复杂的相关方大型社区

    35、 [单选] 由于项目落后于进度,超出了项目经理控制。一名有影响力但很少参加项目更新会议的高级经理抱怨项目延期。项目经理应该怎么做?

    A project is behind schedule for reasons beyond the project manager’s control.An influential senior manager,who rarely participates in project update meetings,complains about the delay.What should the project manager do?


    Manage communications and issue a change request.


    Update the stakeholder register and risk log.


    Control communications and update project documents.


    Update the issue log and control stakeholder engagement.

    正确答案:D 你的答案:B

    解析:13.3 管理相关方参与 相关方支持问题,管理相关方参与,记录问题日志而非风险日志。项目延期,应更新问题日志;某个高层表达不满,且很少参加更新会议,说明对相关方的管理有问题,应适用各种方法及技术使他们多参与项目,从而更好地支持项目。

    36、 [单选] 在一个项目中途,项目团队意识到他们低估了交付一部分产品的工作。因此该项目将推迟两个月。项目经理下一步应该怎么做?

    Midway through a project, the project team realized that they underestimated the effort for delivering one part of the product. As a result, the project will be delayed by two months. What should the project manager do next?


    Communicate the delay to the project sponsor and ask for approval of the new delivery date


    Modify the stakeholder engagement plan to reflect the change and request stakeholder approval


    Inform the stakeholders and manage their expectations


    Modify the risk management plan to reflect the change and request stakeholder approval

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C


    37、 [单选] 按照既定的变更管理程序,一项变更请求获得批准,在实施该变更过程中一位高级管理人员对其未参与批准变更表示很惊讶,因为该变更的规模和成本都很大。若要避免这个问题,项目经理应该事先做什么?

    A change request was approved according to established change management procedures, during its implementation.a senior executive expresses surprise at not being involved in this approval, since the size and cost of the change was significant. What should the project manager have done to prevent this?


    Established a change management process, the required different approval levels depending upon cost estimates


    Ensured that the project team was trained to identify situations in which the senior executive should be involved in the change management process


    Involve the senior executive in the design of the change management process during the project’s planning phase


    Consulted with the senior executive prior to submitting the change request

    正确答案:C 你的答案:B


    38、 [单选] 项目经理希望确保相关方能充分参与项目的整个生命周期,项目经理应该在相关方参与计划中包含下列哪一项?

    A Project manager want to ensure sufficient stakeholder participation throughout a project’s in cycle. What should the project manager include in the stakeholder engagement plan?


    Stakeholder power/interests grid


    Change Request initiated by Stakeholders


    Desired and current stakeholder engagement levels


    Feedback from stakeholder on project operations

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C

    解析: 数据表现-相关方参与度评估矩阵 相关方参与度评估矩阵用于将相关方当前参与水平与期望参与水平进行比较。 制定相关方参与计划时,AC都要考虑,但A是一个工具,不是结果,C是结果,可以是相关方参与计划的内容。此题考查相关方参与度评估矩阵,在相关方参与计划中评估出对某相关方参与水平的期望。

    39、 [单选] 一家组织在项目执行阶段发生变化,结果,一位关键相关方离开项目,两位新的项目主管加入项目,项目经理首先应该怎么做?

    During a project’s execution phase. An organization change occurs, As a result, a key stakeholder leaves the project and two new project executive join it. What should the project manager do first?


    Evaluate the new communication requirements


    Update the stakeholder register


    Analyze potential communication issues


    Revise the stakeholder engagement plan

    正确答案:B 你的答案:B


    40、 [单选] 新任命的项目经理得知,因为有太多相关方意见不一致,项目可能会失败。项目经理应该怎么做?

    A newly assigned project manager learns that the project likely to fail because there are too many stakeholder who all disagree. What should the project manager do?


    Meet with all project stakeholder to try and align their differences


    Separately meet with each stakeholder to try and understand their individual viewpoints


    Develop a stakeholder engagement plan and address stakeholder concerned


    Update the stakeholder engagement plan and send it to all stakeholder

    正确答案:C 你的答案:A


    41、 [单选] 项目经理正在审查状态报告,该报告显示进度延迟和成本超支,该报告必须在两周内提交给指导委员会,根据过去的经验,项目经理知道哪些相关方会很挑剔,项目经理应该怎么做?

    A project manager is reviewing a status report that shows a schedule delay and cost overruns. This report must be presented to the steering committee in two weeks.From past experience, the project manager knows which stakeholders will be very difficult, what should the project manager do?


    Meet with difficult stakeholders to explain the reasons for the delays and cost overrun


    Collect additional details from the project team to clarify the reasons for the delay and cost overruns


    Quickly identify corrective actions that can be implemented to improve the status report


    Contact management to seek help with dealing with the difficult stakeholders

    正确答案:A 你的答案:C


    42、 [单选] 一个在实施中的项目对公司的成功至关重要,项目总监不相信该项目将按时交付,项目经理应该怎么做?

    A project in implementation is critical to a company’s success. The project director is unconvinced that the project will be delivered on time. What should the project manager do?


    Review the stakeholders engagement assessment matrix and update the risk register


    Meet with the project director to provide benchmark data and address concerns


    Develop a stakeholders engagement plan that provides regular project updates and encourages


    Amend the risk register to address the risks of failing to meet the project director's expectations

    正确答案:C 你的答案:C




