José Valim - How I Start (Elixir)
A nice introduction to Elixir covering Agents, Structs, and distribution.
Lessons about the Elixir programming language, inspired by Twitter’s Scala School.
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Elixir's Getting Started Guide
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For this week's exercise, we're going to build a small <q>microservice</q> that can be sent strings and will reply with those strings, upcased.
- Create a new process in the same way that we did in the PingPong episode.
- Send the process messages like
{"some string", self}
- The process should pattern match out the string and the process id from the 2-tuple in the message.
- It should then call
on the provided string, responding with{:ok, "SOME STRING"}
- Write a function that will send the message to the process and then immediately wait to receive the response back.