A brief history of cheese-1min

A brief history of cheese-1min

作者: c51ebd4f18de | 来源:发表于2021-07-26 21:28 被阅读0次

A brief history of cheese奶酪简史

brief history [briːf ˈhɪstri] 简史Before empires and royalty, before pottery and writing, before metal tools and weapons-there was cheese.在帝国和皇室存在之前,在陶器和文字存在之前,在金属工具和战争存在之前,奶酪就已经存在了。

As early as 8000 BCE, the earliest Neolithic farmers living in the Fertile Crescent began a legacy of cheesemaking almost as old as civilization itself.早在公元前8000年,新石器时代早期,住在新月沃土的农民,就开始奶酪制作的传承,几乎和文明一样久远。

As early as 早在

BCE=before the common Era公元前


civilization [ˌsɪvələˈzeɪʃn] 文明

the rise of agriculture led to domesticated sheep and goats, which ancient farmers harvested for milk.农业的发展使古代农民开始驯养羊和山羊,以获取羊乳。

agriculture [ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃər] 农业 农艺 农学

domesticated [dəˈmestɪkeɪtɪd] 驯养 训化

harvested [ˈhɑːrvɪstɪd] 收割 采集 

And when left in warm conditions for several hours, that fresh milk began to sour.当它放在温暖的环境里数小时后,新鲜的羊乳开始发酸。


its lactic acids caused proteins to coagulate, binding into soft clumps.这是因为羊乳里的乳酸让蛋白质凝固,粘结成柔软的团块。

lactic acids [ˈlæktɪk ˈæsədz] 乳酸proteins[ˈproʊˌtinz] 蛋白质

to coagulate [tu koʊˈæɡjuleɪt] 凝结

bind [baɪnd] 结合

clumps [klʌmps] 团,堆 verb聚集成群;凝集成块

Upon discovering this strange transformation, the farmers drained the remaining liquid - later named whey - and found the yellowish globs could be eaten fresh as a soft, spreadable meal.当发现这个奇异的变化后,农民沥干了剩下的液体- 后来命名为乳清 - 然后发现这些蛋黄色的小团,可以作为一种柔软、涂抹的新鲜食物吃。 


whey [weɪ] 乳清

globs [glɑbz] 一小滴



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