序号 学号 链接
1 02 薛慧敏
2 08 朱珍姝
3 11 耿静
4 21 任宏梅
5 22 郝悦如
6 28 郭晓莲
7 30 张慧敏
8 47 梅娜
英文作文 This speach tells us three points .The first point i...
序号 学号 链接 1 02 薛慧敏 2 08 朱珍姝 3...
序号 学号 链接 1 28 闫惠 2 ...
This speach tells us three points .The first poin...
That day,after see jobs's address, I was deeply shocked, ...
读后感 Glancing over this speech, it's sur...
《Stay Hungry,Stay Foolish》读后感 一、你在憧憬未来时无法将以前积累的点点滴滴串连起来...
From his speech, I learned to keep chasing what I like, n...
There is no tomorrow that will not come. After rea...
Misfortune might be a blessing in disguise . There are...