来自Counselor, Ms. Emma的一封信

来自Counselor, Ms. Emma的一封信

作者: Feng的花花世界 | 来源:发表于2020-02-19 07:04 被阅读0次

Dear Early Years andElementary School Parents and Students,


Iam thinking of you all, wondering where you are, what you are doing, and howyou are feeling.


Iknow some families are separated at the moment, with part of the family inChina and part of the family elsewhere. Some families remain together in China,but away from Suzhou; some are in Suzhou; some have returned to their homecountries; some are staying in different countries, waiting to return. Some ofyou are brand new to SSIS this semester, but have yet to step foot through ourdoors -to you, I extend a warm welcome! I hope you're able to connect with ourcommunity online, and we will look forward to greeting you in person soon.

我知道有些家庭⽬前是分开的状态,⼀些家庭成员在中国,还有⼀些家⼈在其它地⽅。有些家庭仍在中国,但不在苏州;有些在苏州;有些家庭已回到⾃⼰的祖国;有些家庭待在 另⼀个国家,等待回国。有些家庭是本学期SSIS的新成员,但还未踏⼊校园——我对您们表示热烈的欢迎 !我希望您们能与学校⼯作⼈员线上联系,期待不久与您们⻅⾯。

Whateveryour situation I am thinking of your feelings as you navigate through thisevolving situation. Some have shared they feel worry under curfew at home,whilst others are delighted to have the opportunity for an extended holiday.Some have shared they’ve got a great routine; others struggle to get up. Manyof you are feeling emotional, and feel stress striving to meet your family’sneeds 24/7. It is likely some days feel better than others and that weexperience a kaleidoscope of feelings, all valid, all part of who we are.

不管您的处境如何,当您在应对这种瞬息万变的形势时,我会想起您的感受。⼀些⼈表 示,禁⾜在家让他们感到担⼼,⽽另⼀些⼈则表示很⾼兴有机会延⻓假期。有些⼈分享说 他们⽇常作息很有规律;⽽有些⼈起床都很困难。你们中的很多⼈都会情绪化,感觉努⼒ 满⾜家⼈的需求很有压⼒。也有可能感觉有些时候⽐其它时候好,感受千变万化,所有这些都是真实存在的,都是我们的⼀部分。

Likeus, our children process their reactions to situations differently. Some of youare embracing learning routines and gaining a deeper understanding of how yourchildren learn. Others have told me that your children’s behavior has beenpuzzling, frustrating and exhausting. Likely a regular reaction to a change ofroutines, but also a regular part of childhood. They are growing and learning,as we are with them.

和我们⼀样,我们的孩⼦对环境的反应也不尽相同。你们中的有些⼈接受⽇常学习,并对孩⼦的学习⽅式有了更深刻的理解。也有些⼈告诉我,孩⼦的⾏为令⼈困惑,沮丧和疲 惫。其实孩⼦的这种⾏为可能是对⽇常⽣活变化的正常反应,但也是童年⽣活中的正常现象。他们在不断成⻓和学习,我们是他们的坚强后盾。

Ourolder Elementary students are telling me they are missing their friends. Theymiss hanging out with buddies at break times, even miss the fallings out. Theywant to learn alongside their classmates again. Socializing is so important, Iurge you to support your child in connecting with peers over video calls.Enable them to share their learning and experience face-to-face with farawayfriends. Our younger students would benefit in ‘seeing’ a missed classmate,too. Imagine the giggles as they continue to develop their social skills.Remember to be mindful of time zones though!

⾼年级的⼩学⽣告诉我,他们想念⾃⼰的朋友。他们想念课间休息时和朋友们出去玩的时光,甚⾄想念争吵的时刻。他们想再次和同学们⼀起学习。社交如此重要,我⿎励⼤家⽀ 持孩⼦通过视频电话和同伴们联系。让他们和远⽅的朋友们⾯对⾯分享学习⼼得和经验。 年幼的学⽣们也会因为“看到”⾃⼰想念的同学⽽受益。想象⼀下当他们继续操练社交技能时的咯咯笑声。但要注意时区!

Dokeep in touch with each other, and enable your children to do the same. If you,or your children feel it helpful to talk things through with me, I am availabletoo. I’ve been so pleased hearing from so many of you already. I am only anemail away.


Weare going through this process together. We are social beings, and wehave better lives when we care about each other. We can lift each other up whengoing through tough situations. This will strengthen our personal Fes as well.我们会共同经历这⼀过程。我们是社会⼈,当互相关⼼时,⽣活会变得更好。当处于艰难 _时期时,我们可以互相扶持。这也会加强我们⾃⼰的⼈际关系。

Longlong ago, people who wandered from a group had a much harder time surviving theelements or avoiding starvation. We have in common that we all are resilientwanderers. We have thrived living overseas and now also belong to a caring SSIScommunity.

很久很久以前,从群体中⾛失的⼈更难⽣存或避免挨饿。我们都是适应⼒很强的流浪者。 我们在海外⽣活得很好,如今我们也属于充满爱⼼的SSIS社区。

Iwill leave you with the thought that, the good times mean even more when you’vebeen through some valleys together.



in touch, 保持联系

Sincerely,Ms. Emma


EarlyYears & Elementary School Counsellor




      本文标题:来自Counselor, Ms. Emma的一封信
