Godot Shader笔记:2D着色器(三)

Godot Shader笔记:2D着色器(三)

作者: 吃烧烤的老王 | 来源:发表于2019-06-19 08:50 被阅读0次

    原文地址:Docs » Shading » Shading reference » CanvasItem shaders

    内置光属性(Light built-ins)



    内置光属性 描述
    in vec4 FRAGCOORD Fragment coordinate of pixel center. Origin at lower left.
    in vec3 NORMAL Input Normal. Although this value is passed in, normal calculation still happens outside of this function.
    in vec2 UV UV from vertex function, equivalent to the UV in the fragment function.
    in vec4 COLOR Input Color. This is the output of the fragment function with final modulation applied.
    sampler2D TEXTURE Current texture in use for CanvasItem.
    in vec2 TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE Normalized pixel size of default 2D texture. For a Sprite with a texture of size 64x32px, TEXTURE_PIXEL_SIZE = vec2(1/64, 1/32)
    in vec2 SCREEN_UV SCREEN_TEXTURE Coordinate (for using with screen texture).
    in vec2 POINT_COORD UV for Point Sprite.
    in float TIME Global time in seconds.
    inout vec2 LIGHT_VEC Vector from light to fragment, can be modified to alter shadow computation.
    inout float LIGHT_HEIGHT Height of Light. Only effective when normals are used.
    inout vec4 LIGHT_COLOR Color of Light.
    in vec2 LIGHT_UV UV for Light texture.
    out vec4 SHADOW_COLOR Shadow Color of Light.
    inout vec4 LIGHT Value from the Light texture and output color. Can be modified. If not used, the light function is ignored.



        本文标题:Godot Shader笔记:2D着色器(三)
