Day11 24/07/17

Day11 24/07/17

作者: 成小璇给猫穿裙子 | 来源:发表于2017-07-24 14:43 被阅读0次



1】Mom and Dad's car rolled into the driveway right when we were tightening the last screw.

释义:roll into 卷进 滚进

              tightening screw 拧紧螺丝

造句:I need to tighten this screw, it's loose.

2】I didn't get that it was a joke, so it really freaked me out.


造句:I could have freaked out and started smashing the place up.

3】I used to be a big tattletable myself until I learned my lesson.


造句:The rest of the class gave the tattletale the silent treatment.


1】Rodrick might have lucked out this time, but all I can say is, he should be glad manny wasn't there to see the party.

仿写:She took the first prize, but all I can say is, she should be glad that I missed the competition.


In my opinion, the long-distance relationship is tough.

I haven't seen my boyfriend  for two months, but we only have two days to stay together now.

But I think as long as we insist, we will be together in the end.



      本文标题:Day11 24/07/17
