2020-01-13 Splint C语言内存调试

2020-01-13 Splint C语言内存调试

作者: 14cat | 来源:发表于2020-01-13 21:29 被阅读0次

    0. 快速回忆

    Linux 安装 splint

    yum install -y splint
    // 检测文件 *.c
    splint *.c 


    1. 空指针报错
    2. 类型转换报错
    3. 释放有其他指针引用的空间
    4. 最后一个指针指引丢失,但空间没有释放
    5. 数组越界,访问超出申请的 buffer 大小范围

    1. splint 介绍

    针对C语言的开源程序静态分析工具 -- splint

    2. splint消息


    splint *.c

    测试文件 splint_msg.c

    int func_splint_msg1(void)
        int a;
        return 0;
    int func_splint_msg2(void)
        int* a = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
        a = NULL;
        return 0;
    Splint 3.1.2 --- 11 Oct 2015
    // 给出告警所在函数名,在函数的第一个警告消息报告前打印;
    splint_msg.c: (in function func_splint_msg1)        
    // 消息的正文,文件名、行号、列号显示在的警告的正文前;
    splint_msg.c:4:6: Variable a declared but not used
    // 有关该可疑错误的详细信息,包含一些怎样去掉这个消息的信息;
      A variable is declared but never used. Use /*@unused@*/ in front of
      declaration to suppress message. (Use -varuse to inhibit warning)
    // 第二条
    splint_msg.c: (in function func_splint_msg2)
    splint_msg.c:10:2: Fresh storage a (type int *) not released before assignment:
                          a = NULL
      A memory leak has been detected. Storage allocated locally is not released
      before the last reference to it is lost. (Use -mustfreefresh to inhibit
      // 给出格外的位置信息,这里消息给出了是在哪里申请了这个可能泄露的内存。
       splint_msg.c:9:38: Fresh storage a created

    2. 检查控制


    1. flags

    splint 支持几百个标志用来控制检查和消息报告


    splint -showcol a.c   //在检测a.c时,告警消息中列数不被打印
    splint -varuse  a.c   //在检测a.c时,告警消息中未使用变量告警不被打印

    2. .splintrc配置文件

    在使用源码安装splint之后,.splintrc 文件将被安装在主目录下

    .splintrc 文件中对一些标志作了默认的设定,命令行中指定的 flags 标志会覆盖 .splintrc 文件中的标志。

    3. 格式化注释


    3. 检测分析内容

    1. 引用空指针(Null Dereferences)

    在Unix操作系统中,解引用空指针将导致我们在程序运行时产生段错误(Segmentation fault)

    // null.c
    int func_null(void)
        int *a = NULL;
        return *a;
    Splint 3.1.2 --- 11 Oct 2015
    null.c: (in function func_null)
    null.c:3:11: Unrecognized identifier: null
      Identifier used in code has not been declared. (Use -unrecog to inhibit
    null.c:4:9: Return value type int * does not match declared type int: a
      Types are incompatible. (Use -type to inhibit warning)
    Finished checking --- 2 code warnings

    2. 类型(Types)


    void splint_types(void)
        short a = 0;
        long b = 32768;
        a = b;
    int main() {
        return 1;
    Splint 3.1.2 --- 11 Oct 2015
    types.c: (in function splint_types)
    types.c:5:2: Assignment of long int to short int: a = b
      To ignore type qualifiers in type comparisons use +ignorequals.
    Finished checking --- 1 code warning

    3. 内存管理(Memory Management)



    1. 当尚有其他指针引用的时候,释放一块空间

    void memory(void)
        int *a = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
        int *b = a;
        *b = 0;
    int main() {
        return 1;


    Splint 3.1.2 --- 11 Oct 2015
    memory.c: (in function memory)
    memory.c:6:3: Variable b used after being released
      Memory is used after it has been released (either by passing as an only param
      or assigning to an only global). (Use -usereleased to inhibit warning)
       memory.c:5:7: Storage b released
    memory.c:6:3: Dereference of possibly null pointer b: *b
      A possibly null pointer is dereferenced.  Value is either the result of a
      function which may return null (in which case, code should check it is not
      null), or a global, parameter or structure field declared with the null
      qualifier. (Use -nullderef to inhibit warning)
       memory.c:4:11: Storage b may become null
    Finished checking --- 2 code warnings



    2. 当最后一个指针引用丢失的时候,其指向的空间尚未释放

    void memory2(void)
        int *a = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
        a = NULL;
    int main() {
        return 1;


    Splint 3.1.2 --- 11 Oct 2015
    memory2.c: (in function memory2)
    memory2.c:4:2: Fresh storage a (type int *) not released before assignment:
                      a = NULL
      A memory leak has been detected. Storage allocated locally is not released
      before the last reference to it is lost. (Use -mustfreefresh to inhibit
       memory2.c:3:38: Fresh storage a created
    Finished checking --- 1 code warning

    splint抛出一个告警:类型为 int* 的 a 在进行 a = NULL 赋值前没有释放新分配的空间。

    4. 缓存边界(Buffer Sizes)

    splint 会对数组边界、字符串边界作检测,使用时需要加上 +bounds 的标志

    void bound1(void)
        int a[10];
        a[10] = 0;
        return ;
    int main() {
        return 1;

    1. 数组越界

    # splint +bounds size1.c
    Splint 3.1.2 --- 11 Oct 2015
    size1.c: (in function bound1)
    size1.c:4:2: Likely out-of-bounds store: a[10]
        Unable to resolve constraint:
        requires 9 >= 10
         needed to satisfy precondition:
        requires maxSet(a @ size1.c:4:2) >= 10
      A memory write may write to an address beyond the allocated buffer. (Use
      -likelyboundswrite to inhibit warning)
    Finished checking --- 1 code warning

    2. 可能出现越界错误

    void bounds2(char *str)
        char *tmp = getenv("HOME");
        if(tmp != NULL) 
            strcpy(str, tmp);
    int main() {
        return 1;

    告警消息提示我们:在使用strcpy(str, tmp)进行字符串复制时,可能出现越界错误


    # splint +bounds size2.c
    Splint 3.1.2 --- 11 Oct 2015
    size2.c: (in function bounds2)
    size2.c:6:3: Possible out-of-bounds store: strcpy(str, tmp)
        Unable to resolve constraint:
        requires maxSet(str @ size2.c:6:10) >= maxRead(getenv("HOME") @
         needed to satisfy precondition:
        requires maxSet(str @ size2.c:6:10) >= maxRead(tmp @ size2.c:6:15)
         derived from strcpy precondition: requires maxSet(<parameter 1>) >=
        maxRead(<parameter 2>)
      A memory write may write to an address beyond the allocated buffer. (Use
      -boundswrite to inhibit warning)
    Finished checking --- 1 code warning



    splint 手册



          本文标题:2020-01-13 Splint C语言内存调试
