【英语 - 单词】2019-07-30

【英语 - 单词】2019-07-30

作者: 张小伟better | 来源:发表于2019-07-31 06:58 被阅读0次


Basic need

She killed two birds with one stone by shopping and visiting the museum on the same trip.
She is a strange bird.

Derivative word


Useful phrases

a useful bird 益鸟
a pernicious bird 害鸟
a bird of passage 候鸟
the bird of wonder 不死鸟
bird's eye view 鸟瞰图,要点


bird in the bush 没把握的事
bird in the hand 有把握的事
the birds and the bees 向孩子解释有关两性的基本常识
early bird 早起的人,最早的人
give sb. the bird = give sb. the finger 骂人的话


A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. 到手的东西才是最靠谱的。
birds of the same fearher flock together.物以类聚
The early bird catches the worm.早起的鸟有虫吃
kill two birds with one stone.一石二鸟

Street talk

A:I'll never be a telephone operator! That job is for the birds
B:That's you! Personally, I think it's an interesting job.
A:Gee, you are one strange bird.

A:Hi rick,guess what,Wallace's twenty years old and doesn't know about the birds and the bees.
B:You're kidding!
C:Hey guys,what are you talking about ?
A:We are talking about Wallace.
C:What about him?
B:Jack says Wallace doesn't know about the birds and the bees!
C:That explains why he is a bird-watcher!

A:What are you doing up here?
B:I want to get a bird's eye view of the campus.I don't think I'll ever be an early bird.

A:do you see that?
A:That guy just gave you the bird!



    本文标题:【英语 - 单词】2019-07-30
