[Quora] 人类能穿越虫洞吗?

[Quora] 人类能穿越虫洞吗?

作者: Prongs | 来源:发表于2016-12-18 10:53 被阅读36次

Can a person enter a wormhole?



Ariel Williams:

It is highly unlikely that you could enter a wormhole and survive.

A wormhole is created by gravity so great that it bends space until you pinch the universe and come out on the other side.

Also Wormholes are exceptionally small. It is theorized that in order to open a wormhole big enough to travel through it you would need something called "Negative Energy or Negative Mass" – a thing we can predict the need for by looking at the math behind wormholes, but we have never seen negative energy. We don't even know what it is. Also the amount of energy we are talking about in this process can be modeled and calculated, and that energy is more than our sun lets out in total.

So in order to survive the wormhole you would need to survive gravitational waves that likely would spaghettify you, negative energy that we have no idea what it would do to you, and survive going through along with the same energy you would find if you jumped into the sun. There is also a chance you would experience some kind of weird time dilation. Some theories suggest wormholes may not even exist in the present but in the past or future.


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      本文标题:[Quora] 人类能穿越虫洞吗?
