1.BCP and Bulk Insert
1.1 What are Bulk Operations?
- Bulk operations are statements in which you move and insert a large amount of data
- No requirement for being “bulk”, just summed up as a lot
- Bulk operations can move data in and out of SQL or other platforms
1.2 Bulk Copy Program
BCP uses the CMD of the system, so it is command line driven
Since it uses the CMD, it is avoiding any GUI or software, making it the fastest way for communication between DBMS and RDBMS
BCP allows you to either pull data from SQL server or move data into SQL server from system files
OUT, IN, FORMAT options needs a table or view
QUERYOUT option needs a SQL query and it has to use 3 part naming convention

BCP "SELECT TOP 100 BusinessEntityID, FirstName, LastName FROM AdventureWorks2017.Person.Person" QUERYOUT C:\cmd\Per.txt -c -T
1.1.2 操作符号 都要在一行里面写出来!!!!! Data to a file from a table using OUT option
-T Trusted connection
-c Character data type for the output file
BCP AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Employee OUT C:\BulkOps\Emp.txt -c -T
BCP "SELECT TOP 100 BusinessEntityID, FirstName, LastName
FROM AdventureWorks2012.Person.Person" QUERYOUT C:\BulkOps\Per.txt -c -T -t,
BCP AdventureWorks2012.dbo.Per IN C:\Raj\BulkOps\Per.txt -c -T -t, Creating a comma separated file using OUT option
-t specifying there is a column terminator or delimiter followed by delimiter value
-t, --in this case -t specifies there is a delimiter for column and (,) is the delimiter
BCP AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Employee OUT C:\OPFiles\Emp.txt -c -T -t, Creating a file using OUT option and error out put to another file
-e specifies that there is an error file followed by path for error file
BCP AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Employee OUT
C:\OPFiles\Emp.txt -c -T -e C:\OPFiles\ErrorFile.txt Creating a file using QUERYOUT option
BCP SELECT top 1000 FirstName, LastName from
AdventureWorks2012.Person.Person QUERYOUT C:\BulkOps\Person.txt -c -T
--File Location to be copied
--Data format -c/-N/-n/-w (-c Character, -N Unicode Native, -n Native, -w Unicode)
--Field Terminator -t
--Server info -S
--Login info -T/-U
--Ignore Identity Column values -E
--Batch Size -b value
--First Row start -F value
--Last Row -L value
--Error File -e File Path
1.3 Bulk Insert
- Bulk Insert is executed in SQL server and used in a query
- Can only INSERT data into SQL, so only one direction with bulk data
- Since being used in queries, it can be logged, use transactions, etc
- Slower than Bulk Copy Program
bulk insert bulk_op
from 'c:\bulk_op\empinfo.txt'
1.4 Differences Between BCP & BI

1.4.1 bulk insert
- SQL Server Query
- Import data only
- Can be logged
- Can be used with transactions and error handling
- Slower due to use of software
1.4.2 bcp
- Command Line Utility for the system, CMD
- Can import and export data from SQL server to system files
- No direct option for performing error handling, logging, or transactions
- Faster of the two
1.5 note
BCP AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Employee IN C:\Users\admin\Desktop\BulkOps\Employee.dat -c -t, -S localhost -T -h FIRE_TRIGGERS -E -b 100 -F 25 -e C:\Users\admin\Desktop\BulkOps\ErrorFile.txt
BCP AdventureWorks2012.dbo.Emp IN C:\Users\admin\Desktop\BulkOps\Employee.dat -c -t, -S localhost -T -h FIRE_TRIGGERS
BCP "SELECT P.BusinessEntityID, P.FirstName, P.LastName, E.BirthDate, E.MaritalStatus, E.Gender FROM AdventureWorks2012.Person.Person P JOIN AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Employee E ON E.BusinessEntityID = P.BusinessEntityID" QUERYOUT C:\Users\admin\Desktop\BulkOps\Emp_QO.txt -N -t, -T
BCP AdventureWorks2012.Person.Person OUT C:\Users\admin\Desktop\BulkOps\Employee.dat -c -t, -S localhost -T -h ORDER(FirstName)