

作者: Maple_Feng | 来源:发表于2020-04-22 06:48 被阅读0次

"Maple, could you please take the priority to do this thing, please?" Yesterday afternoon I encontered my boss's reminder again to finish the task A in time.

I felt a little bit disappointed with myself again. I spent a whole morning for other things, though I have realized that task A is almost most important for the boss. Task A is not very difficult for me, but I just could not figure out why I could not sign in that website again to check more details.

In the following days, I need to remind myself with inner voice to take the priority to the important things. It is a fortunate that I have finished my prepared speech well last night. Though it is still rush for me to adjust and recite the speech script, I found that I gained more confidence with myself. Last Sunday afternoon, I pushed myself to finish the speech script within 1 hour. Actually it took me almost 2 hours to finish it. It has been a little bit progress for me because last time it took me 2 days to think without writing anything. The courage to write down my messages firstly before I cultivate them further really help me. 

Getting up earlier, I am so happy to see that I could do more things than before. I am not alone on the way to temper myself. I was amazed by the sharings from our group members. I know that they have pushed themselves to finish more that 1 certain task for this Habit Challenge Program.

Then I couldn't help setting more goals to pick up 2 to 3 things I really would like to do before: Reading, Spanish, Video Editting.

Step by step, I am sure my willing will conquer my fear of unknown. Just practise more to gain more self-confidence.



Expected time taken: 30 minutes

Actual time taken: 32 mintutes  from 6:13 am to 6: 45am, April 22, 2020


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