

作者: 西坡师妹 | 来源:发表于2020-10-21 17:19 被阅读0次

    E04 代词误用:先行词不明确

    ▍Author's Comment

    If the antecedent of a pronoun is not clear, most often it is simply because the antecedent is missing. It may be implied, but it is not present on the page.

    When a pronoun has no stated antecedent, it will either a) remain unattached, or b) attach itself to some word that it was not intended to refer to. Consequently, the reader trying to understand the sentence in question will either a) be left in doubt, or b) mistake the sense.

    ▍When Antecedents Are Not Explicitly Stated

    ① 例1:

    A: The second question concerns close planting. It should neither be spread out too thinly nor planted too closely.


    B: The second question concerns close planting. Crops should be neither spread out too thinly nor planted too closely.

    ② 例2:

    A: Minutes of an interim telephone report to Mao Zedong during his investigation in Handan Prefecture, Hebei Province.


    B: Minutes of an interim report telephoned to Mao Zedong during an investigation in Handan Prefecture, Hebei Province.

    ③ 例3:

    A: In Africa too, the strong and common voice of the Organization of African Unity is to ask other countries not to interfere in their internal affairs.


    B: The African countries too, through the Organization of African Unity, demand with one voice that no other country interfere in their internal affairs.

    (选自《中式英语之鉴》pp. 206-208)

    ▍Sample Topic

    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to spend more money on improving facilities than hiring famous teachers.

    ▍Sample Essay

    Version 1

    In many different parts of the world, a common complain is that they are not satisfied with their current education system. When it comes to improvements, some reformers think they should spend more money on improving facilities than on hiring famous teachers. In my opinion, as long as the basic comfort of attending school is provided, it is more important to spend money on teachers, because this approach creates more meaningful impact to the students and the school alike.

    Version 2

    People in different parts of the world have one thing in common: they are not satisfied with their current education system. When it comes to improvements, some reformers think it is more critical to spend money on improving facilities than on hiring famous teachers. In my opinion, as long as the basic comfort of attending school is provided, it is more important to spend money on teachers, because this approach creates more meaningful impact to the students and the school alike.



    英 [ ˌantɪˈsiːd(ə)nt]

    n. 先行词

    2.mistake the sense



    minute: n. 会议记录


    n. 调查

    5.Organization of African Unity

    非洲统一组织,简称 OAU

    6.internal affairs


    7.current education system



    facility: n. 设施(常用复数)


    n. 方法

    E05 代词误用:先行词含糊

    ▍Author's Comment

    If there is more than one word in a sentence to which a pronoun might refer, readers may not be sure which is the intended antecedent. Antecedents can be even more ambiguous when the same pronoun appears twice in one passage but refers to two different things. Readers are then left on their own to match up the pairs correctly.

    ▍When Antecedents Are Ambiguous

    ① 例1:

    A: Since the purchase of grain is mostly entrusted to state companies, and grain traders are allowed to carry no more than 50 jin with them, their regulating role is restricted.


    B: Since the purchase of grain is mostly entrusted to state companies, and grain traders are allowed to carry no more than 50 jin with them, the traders' regulating role is restricted.

    ② 例2:

    A: The price of one ton of crude oil is 1,300 yuan ($175) on the market, while it is only 800 yuan ($96) if it is sold to the government.


    B: The price of one ton of crude oil is 1,300 yuan ($175) if it is sold on the market but only 800 yuan ($96) if it is sold to the government.

    ③ 例3:

    A: Government departments, schools, factories and enterprises should fix the number of their workers and other employees and according to their specific work and production requirements set work loads for all of them.


    B: Government departments, schools, factories and enterprises should fix the number of their employees and set work loads for all of them in accordance with the units' needs.

    (选自《中式英语之鉴》pp. 211-212)

    ▍Sample Topic

    What is the most important action for the government to take for the protection of environmental problems?

    1. fund researches on new energy sources such as solar and wind power

    2. protect forests and natural wildlife species

    3. pass and enforce laws to reduce the pollution

    ▍Sample Essay

    Version 1

    In both the public sector and the private sector, people have become increasingly aware of the importance of environmental protection. One of the constantly asked questions is what role the government should play in leading positive environmental change. I think it should focus on funding the development of renewable energy, because it requires consistent long-term investment. Such a focus on the government's part will also in turn enforce wildlife protection and reduce pollution.

    Version 2

    In both the public sector and the private sector, people have become increasingly aware of the importance of environmental protection. One of the constantly asked questions is what role the government should play in leading positive environmental change. I think the government should focus on funding the development of renewable energy, because it requires consistent long-term investment. Such a focus on the government's part will also in turn enforce wildlife protection and reduce pollution.



    英 [amˈbɪɡjʊəs]

    adj. 含糊的

    2.is mostly entrusted to

    be entrusted to: 委托给

    3.work loads

    work load: 工作量

    4.public sector


    5.private sector


    6.renewable energy


    E06 代词误用:先行词过远

    ▍Author's Comment

    When a pronoun stands too far away from its antecedent, readers may fail to connect the two words. And when the antecedent is too remote, just as when it is missing, the fickle pronoun will very probably cling to another, closer word, distorting the meaning.

    ▍When Antecedents Are Too Remote

    ① 例1:

    A: That is the test of whether you are truly carrying out the decisions or just going through the motions, dragging your feet and perhaps even deliberately misinterpreting them.


    B: That is the test of whether you are truly complying or just going through the motions, dragging your feet and perhaps even deliberately misinterpreting decisions.

    ② 例2:

    A: To enforce the people's democratic dictatorship, we must launch an unremitting struggle against bureaucracy, which is of great importance.


    B: To enforce the people's democratic dictatorship, we must launch an unremitting struggle against bureaucracy, a struggle which is of great importance.

    ③ 例3:

    A: The congress has, for the first time, made a systematic exposition of the basic guiding principle of the primary stage of socialism, which is of important immediate significance.


    B: For the first time, the Congress has systematically set forth the basic guiding principles of the primary stage of socialism. This statement is of immediate importance.

    (选自《中式英语之鉴》pp. 213-214)

    ▍Sample Topic

    Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with the people who have a good sense of humor.

    ▍Sample Essay

    Version 1

    The debate of IQ vs EQ is all around our lives, from business to friendship. Some people think it is better to make friends with intelligent people, rather than with humorous people. I think this is a pointless notion, because it is based on the flawed assumption that a person must decide between intelligence and humor, which can be offensive. I also believe that the true test of friendship should be based not on any particular trait, but on shared core values.

    Version 2

    The debate of IQ vs EQ is all around our lives, from business to friendship. Some people think it is better to make friends with intelligent people, rather than with humorous people. I think this is a pointless notion, to some extent an offensive one, because it is based on the flawed assumption that a person can only be either smart or funny. I also believe that the true test of friendship should be based not on any particular trait, but on shared core values.


    1.cling to



    distort: vt. 曲解;扭曲

    3.dragging your feet

    drag one's feet: 拖拖拉拉;拖延

    4.people's democratic dictatorship



    英 [ ˌbjʊ(ə)ˈrɒkrəsi]

    n. 官僚主义


    n. 代表大会;国会

    7.guiding principle


    8.pointless notion


    9.flawed assumption


    10.core values




