本周金句: It's not about being the best. It's about being bet...
True friendship isn't about being inseparable, it's being...
Todsy's topic is about what is good standerd for being a ...
this is simply about you as a human being there's the mos...
There’s something about being in Government that makes po...
1. 如果有人追你,我就去绊倒他。 2. 我想要两颗西柚。I want to see you.
今天清晨朗读的文章是 Derek Sivers 的《The mirror:It's about you ,not ...
由人做事,因事识人。人事交错,由此产生连接,建立关系,生成网络。 流动产生价值,价值又反过来推动流动。流动包括人、...
It's just about time. You will leave for another place. Y...
本文标题:Reddit | It's about being af