Intellij Idea Warning HQL whit S
我是哈喽沃德 | 来源:发表于
2017-08-30 13:49 被阅读0次
- 问题提示
This inspection controls whether the Persistence QL Queries are error-checked
- 网上的文章无一例外是屏蔽该检查项,这就违背了Idea code check的初衷,最后在StackOverFlow找到问题的
- 解决方法:
1.In Project structure settings (ctrl+alt+shift+s), select Facets and Add.
2.Select JPA
3.Select the module containing your mappings/annotated entities
4.In the Modules view, select the module in question and the JPA facet underneath
5.Add a reference to your descriptor (persistence.xml/orm.xml)
6.Select your JPA provider from the dropdown
本文标题:Intellij Idea Warning HQL whit S