当我从兰卡的医疗中心往回走的时候, 正遇上典型的英国阴雨天,走在比阵雨小,比毛毛雨大的雨里,身旁的车子一个一个地疾驰而过, 地上的雨水溅到我的脚上, 虽然打着伞,随风纷落的雨滴还是敲打在我冰冷的脸上.....我的头脑的思维慢慢变得清晰和敏锐-- 就像从多年无意识的梦中慢慢被唤醒....直到昨晚, 我再次意识到, 养大一个孩子有多难,上次有这种意识还是多年前女儿很小的时候,生很重的病的时候(我认为严重的病)。--儿子从出生起就被我下意识地忽略了。我可以找到许多借口, 因为自己一直状态不好,有来自各方面的压力, 我已经从已经是一个即将进入青少年的女孩的母亲, 我的父母对我的高期望, 以及和丈夫之间一些悬而未决的问题,自己内心深处太多的欲望和兴趣爱好没有被满足.....然而他还是在被我的忽视的背景中幸存下来了,靠着自己强大的生命动力和的免疫能力以及我其它家人的照顾。每次他生病的时候, 他只须睡一夜好觉, 吃2-3 剂退烧药, 就会很快好起来的。但昨晚, 他真的吓坏了我, 当他把我从噩梦中叫醒,我发现他浑身滚烫还发抖。突然间, 那一刻,我知道他对我和我对他都如此重要。经过一系列的紧急应对,为退烧药,拨打 111 (不知道我怎么可以在头脑一片空白中,听懂电话那头带着浓重英国口音的接线员所提问的几十个带有学术语的问题);等待医生的电话, 决定不预约夜班医生,在他他终于降温后.......今天早上我去了当地的诊所, 交了填好的登记表, 其实这些表格应该在很久之前就填好并上交---如此自信, 没想到谁会它这么快就需要它),在路上转身去我女儿的学校送她的早上落在家的水壶。回来的时候, 当我爬上山坡一样的马路边的人行道 ,我深深地知道:作为儿子的妈妈,我该醒来了,并且被激活。这是他对我的呼唤: 妈妈,我需要你,请你务必坚强、 温柔和强大...。[爱心] 记念第一次在英国打111!感谢那些一直在为我们祈祷和关心我们的人! [爱心] [玫瑰]As I walked back from the local medical practice place, in the rain not too big as called a shower and not too small as called a drizzle, with the vehicles passing by one by one so fast, splashing the water up by my feet, and the dripping rain drops tapping on my cold face,my mind slowly got clear and sharp like the spirit arousing up from a years long unconscious dream. It was not until last night, until I again realize how hard it is to raise a kid since a longtime ago when my daughter was little and had serious health problem. --My son has been literally ignored by me subconsciously since he was born. I can find dozens of excuses for that as I had not been In good conditions myself, with so much stress I had from already being a mother of an almost teenaged girl, from the high expectations of my parents, the unsolved problems with my husband, and too many unfulfilled desires and interests from my inner being. He has been survived well from all the negligence by his own powerful life drive and his strong immune system and the care of other families. Every time he was sick, it just took him just an overnight nice sleep , 2-3 doses of fever treatment medicine, and he will get all right soon. But last night ,he really terrified me when he woke me up just from my nightmare by his calling, and was found scorchingly hot and trembling. All of a sudden, I got to know how important he is for me and I am for him. After a series of medical responses, calling 111( don't know how I could understand the man with hundreds of questions with the professional medical vocabularies with a blank mind)waiting for the doctor's call, figured out not to make the overnight appointment, and relieved when he finally cooled off after another dose of Nurofen ..... I went to the local clinic to hand in the registration forms which I should have filled up and handed in a long time ago( so confident that none of us would need it so soon),and dropped by my daughter's school to deliver her water bottle she left at home this morning.
As I climbed up the hill like road on the pedestrian path, I knew deep my heart, it's time for the Mother for My Son to wake up and raised up , it's his calling for me :Mother ,I need you so much, please be strong and gentle and powerful....[爱心] Remembering the first time of calling 111 in the UK. Thank you for those who have been praying for and caring for us![爱心][玫瑰]