93、level3-unit1-part3 listening-

93、level3-unit1-part3 listening-

作者: 小猪慕慕 | 来源:发表于2019-04-15 08:21 被阅读4次

    Paul wants to help reduce pollution① and smog②.
    He would ③like to buy a clean car④, something good for⑤ the environment.   /ɪn'vaɪrənmənt/ 
    He's thinking⑥ about buying a Texla.
    The Texla is an all electric⑦ car.   /ɪ'lektrɪk/ 
    It uses batteries instead of ⑧gasoline⑨.
    There is no exhaust, so it doesn't pollute the air.  /ɪɡ'zɔst/ 废气
    ①air pollution空气污染,water pollution水污染 
    pollute是它的动词形式→pollute the environment污染环境→pollute the water污染水资源→pollute the air污染空气
    ③would like to do sth想要做某事
    ④clean car环保的车子(干净的车子),clean energy绿色能源,清洁能源
    ⑤be good for对……有好处,对……有益处  e.g.:Fruit and vegetables are good for our health
    ⑥thinking about doing sth.思考做某事,考虑做某事
    ⑦electric电动的,用电的→electric toothbrush电动牙刷→electric shaver电动剃须刀→electric car电动汽车
    ⑧instead of sth作为……的代替

    However, the car can't go very far without① recharging② the battery.
    To charge the battery, you can plug③ it into an electrical outlet④. 
     /ɪ'lektrɪk(ə)l/电的,与电有关的   /'aʊtlet/ 电源插座
    Recharging the battery takes⑤ time.
    1)直接跟人/物: I can't live without you.   或     I can't live without your love.
    ②recharge the battery给电池充电
    ③plug堵、塞、填→plug sth in 给……接通电源
    ④electrical outlet充电插座
    electric & electrical 辨析:
    electric:电动的,用电的(后面跟具体的电动仪器,electric toothbrush)
    electrical:与电有关的(跟表示某一大类的名词,electrical goods电子产品,electrical energy电能)
    ⑤sth takes time:某事需要很长时间
    e.g: Learning a new language takes time./ Learning to play the piano takes time.

    One of Paul's friends has one and is quite happy with it①.
    He says it's reliable and well-engineered②.
    There are also several charging stations③ near Paul's office.
    So he isn't worried about that.
    The cost for charging the battery is low④.
    It's less expensive than buying gasoline.
    He's wife, Kathy, also likes the idea⑤ of buying an electric car.
    She likes the idea of driving a clean car.
    So it makes sense⑥.
    ①be happy with sth:对……很满意
    ②well(很好的、令人满意的)+engineer(动词:设计、建造)=well-engineered(形容词:设计得很好的,建造得很好的)    两个词合并变成一个词的词,叫合成词
    ③charging station充电站
    ④the cost for/of doing sth.做某事的费用(low费用低,high费用高)
    eg: The cost for watching a movie is quite low now.现在看电影的成本很低
           The cost for traveling abroad is still high for some people.对一些人来说,出国旅行的费用仍然很高。
    ⑤idea意见,主意,想法→good idea好主意!
    the idea of doing sth,关于做某事的主意,想法
    eg:   the idea of losing weight减肥的想法 /  the idea of going on a vacation出去度假的主意
    ⑥make sense说得通的,合乎情理的
    eg: This sentence doesn't make sense.

    In the future, there may① be driverless② cars.
    These may be very safe, but Paul doesn't like them.
    He enjoys driving③.
    He likes to be in control ④of his car.
    ③enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事
    ④be in control of sth.掌控这某事/某物, 对某事/某物有控制权
    eg: The president  is in control of the country.
          The driver is in control of the car.




        本文标题:93、level3-unit1-part3 listening-
